The Harbor Ordinance Guide is designed to assist Harbor Masters in developing and maintaining a strong municipal ordinance, regulating all things harbor and waterfront within their jurisdiction.
While every municipalities needs will be different, this resource can assist in editing or amending current language in existing ordinances to strengthen them.
While using this guide, preview each section with examples from municipalities by clicking "Read More" after each section.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by 38 M.R.S., Chapter 1, of the Maine Revised Statutes, as amended, and pursuant to the Town's home rule authority under the Constitution of Maine, Article VIII, Part 2, and 30-A M.R.S.§ 3002, as amended.
BRUNSWICK To establish the boundaries of channels in harbors and to regulate other activities in the harbors, coastal, tidal, and navigable waters within the Town of Brunswick, Maine in order to ensure safety to persons and property, to promote availability, preservation, and use of a valuable public resource, and to create a fair and efficient framework for administration of the resource. CAPE ELIZABETH This Ordinance is to establish regulations for marine activities within the harbors, waterways and tidal waters of the Town of Cape Elizabeth, Maine to ensure safety to persons and property, to promote availability and use of a valuable public resource and to create a fair and efficient framework for the administration of that resource. This Ordinance shall be subordinate to existing Federal and State Laws governing the same matters and is not intended to preempt other valid laws. CUMBERLAND The Coastal Waters Ordinance is established to regulate marine activities within the coastal and tidal waters of the Town, to ensure the safety of persons and property, promote availability and the safety of valuable public resources, and to create a fair and efficient framework for the administration of the same. DAMARISCOTTA The purpose of this Interlocal Agreement and Ordinance (“Ordinance”) is to insure boater and public safety, provide for consensus among towns bordering the territorial waters of Damariscotta and Newcastle, and to balance the public’s interests in the recreational, commercial, natural and cultural resources and other sues in Damariscotta’s and Newcastle’s waters in the Damariscotta River, Great Salt Bay and the tidal waters of the Sheepscot River. FREEPORT The Coastal Waters Ordinance is hereby established regulating marine activities within the anchorage of the Town of Freeport, Maine, in order to ensure safety to persons and property, to promote availability, preservation and use of valuable public resources, and to create a fair and efficient framework for administration of same. FRIENDSHIP The purpose of this Ordinance is to manage recreational and commercial maritime activities so as to maintain order and safety of the Town of Friendship’s coastal waters and harbors. GEORGETOWN The purpose of this ordinance is to protect the marine environment and provide for the just and orderly operation of marine activities on Georgetown waterways. It is intended to promote safety, enjoyment, convenience, effective use, and control of mooring areas and public facilities pertinent thereto. HARPSWELL The Town of Harpswell Harbor and Waterfront Ordinance is hereby established to regulate marine activities within the Town, to ensure the safety of its property, its inhabitants and the general public, to guarantee the availability and use of a valuable public resource, and to create a fair and equitable framework for administration of these goals. KENNEBUNK The Cape Porpoise Pier shall be managed by the municipal officers of the Town, or their designee, primarily as a public fish pier for the berthing, servicing, loading, offloading, repair and other needs of commercial fishing vessels. To the extent compatible with its primary use as a public fish pier, and to the extent permitted by agreements between the Town and the State of Maine, the pier shall also be available for use by other vessels, by residents of the Town, and by members of the general public. OGUNQUIT The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the marine activities within the harbor, known as Perkins Cove, and the waters therein. It is intended to ensure the safety of persons and property, to promote availability and use of public resources and to create a fair and efficient framework for the administration of those resources. SACO This chapter shall be known as the "Saco River, Harbor and Waterfront Ordinance." This chapter is hereby adopted by the City of Saco to ensure the proper operation of recreational and commercial watercraft, and to promote the safe enjoyment and recreational use of the City's waters, which includes all waters adjacent to riverfronts and beaches within the City of Saco. SCARBROUGH This ordinance is to establish regulations for marine activities within the harbors, waterways and tidal waters of the Town of Scarborough, Maine in order to ensure safety to persons and property, to promote availability and use of a valuable public resource, and to create a fair and efficient framework for the administration of that resource. This ordinance shall be subordinate to existing Federal and State Laws governing the same matters and is not intended to preempt other valid laws. THOMASTON The harbor must be kept open for navigation and other purposes by rule of the Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army. Pursuant to the provisions of the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated (MRSA), Title 38, Sec. 2, the following Ordinance is hereby enacted. It is intended that these will provide the means by which use of Thomaston Harbor may be maximized, and competing commercial, recreational and other appropriate uses balanced. The intent of this Ordinance is to insure that all legitimate interests will have the opportunity to utilize Thomaston's limited harbor resources. WELLS This Harbor Ordinance is hereby established to regulate marine activities within Wells Harbor of the Town of Wells, Maine, in order to ensure safety to persons and property, promote availability and use of valuable public resources, and to create a fair and efficient framework for the administration of these waters. YARMOUTH The purpose of this Ordinance is to define rights and responsibilities of those people who make use of the tidal waters of the Town of Yarmouth and adjacent Town land and rights-of-way owned or leased for vessel mooring and launching.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by 38 M.R.S., Chapter 1, of the Maine Revised Statutes, as amended, and pursuant to the Town's home rule authority under the Constitution of Maine, Article VIII, Part 2, and 30-A M.R.S.§ 3002, as amended.
This sections purpose is to define specific words within the ordinance to best represent the intent of the ordinance when created by the municipalities legislative body.
Abandoned Mooring: A mooring in this municipalities waters that is unregistered, unmarked, or unused (for a determined amount of time) shall be considered abandoned. Abandoned Vessel: Any vessel which is determined by the Harbor Master to constitute a hazard to navigation, or which is sinking or already sunk, or which is stranded on any property without the permission of the owner of the property. Abandoned Watercraft: A watercraft that is given up by its master or owner with the intent to never again claim a right or interest in it. Anchor: The device used to secure a boat to the bottom of a body of water. Anchorage: Means an area of a harbor set aside for the temporary anchoring of vessels. Anchoring: To secure a vessel to the bottom within a body of water by dropping an anchor(s) or other ground tackle, which is carried aboard a vessel when underway as regular equipment. Aquaculture: The culture or husbandry of marine organisms by any person. Army Corps of Engineers Permit: A permit from the Corps of Engineers that is required for all moorings which are rented to others or which are used as a part of a business for their own vessels or the vessels of customers who pay no rent for using the mooring. Association: An organization of residential property owners, whether in the form of a homeowner association, subdivision association, condominium association, road association, unit owner association, planned unit development, residential real estate management association, or similar ownership arrangement or structure, where the organization assists with maintaining and improving association property or property that is commonly held by its members. Basin: Means a naturally or artificially enclosed or nearly enclosed body of water where small craft may lie (anchor). Beam: The maximum wide of a vessel. Berth: The location where a vessel lies when at anchor or at a wharf. Boat Launching Facility: A facility designed primarily for the launching and landing of watercraft, and which may include an access ramp, docking area, and parking spaces for vehicles and trailers. Boat Yard: A place adjacent to coastal waters, where, as a business or gainful occupation, watercraft are hauled, stored, repaired and/or constructed. Channels: Paths designated by this chapter for navigation in or access to the harbors tidal areas. Coastal Wetland: All tidal and subtidal lands; all lands with vegetation present that is tolerant of salt water and occurs primarily in a salt water or estuarine habitat; and any swamp, marsh, bog, beach, flat or other contiguous low land that is subject to tidal action during the highest tide level for the year in which an activity is proposed as identified in tide tables published by the National Ocean Service. Coastal wetlands may include portions of coastal sand dunes. Commercial Hauler: Anyone who uses a hydraulic trailer to launch or remove anything from the water at a town owned landing. Commercial Mooring: A mooring used with profit as a primary aim. Commercial moorings require Army Corps of Engineers approval. Commercial Passenger Boat: Means a boat, which carries passengers for hire, on a charter or scheduled service basis or both. Commercial Vessel: Means any vessel whose primary use is commercial marine activities such as but not limited to fishing, aquaculture, or supportive services. Committee: Mean’s the municipalities Harbor Committee and appointed members. Cruise Ship: Any passenger carrying vessel requiring a USCG secure facility to embark or disembark passengers. Derelict Vessel: A watercraft of any kind that is unseaworthy or in badly deteriorated condition or which is likely to sink or cause damage to docks, floats or other vessels or which may become a hazard to navigation. Dinghy: A punt, skiff, tender or similar watercraft, used solely as transportation to or from a watercraft on a mooring. Dock: The slip or waterway extending between two piers or projecting wharves or cut into land for the reception of vessels. Fairway: Means a navigable channel in a harbor. Float: Means any floating structure normally used as a point of transfer for passengers and goods and/or for mooring purposes. Float Mooring: Floats that are used for business or recreation, not secured to the shore but held in place by an anchoring device not carried aboard a vessel as regular equipment. (Army Corp of Engineers permit required). Guest Mooring: Means a temporary mooring that may be permitted yearly in a non-congested area, asdetermined by the Harbor Master, to a Resident or Non Resident Taxpayer shorefront property owner, solely for use by that permit holder’s guests on a non-rental basis. The mooring shall not be occupied by the same vessel for more than seven days.(Army Corps of Engineers permit required) Harbor: Shall include the tidal waters within the geographical limits of this municipality. Harbor Master: A person appointed pursuant to 38 M.R.S. § 1 and meets the required certification requirements within one year of employment as described in 38 M.R.S. § 1-A. Haul-Off Mooring: A mooring or tether system for a dinghy or watercraft which allows the dinghy or watercraft to be hauled to and from a mooring block or anchor to the shore by a system of lines secured at the shore. Headway Speed: The slowest speed at which it is still possible to maintain steering. This definition also applies to the terms “idle speed”, “no wake speed” and “slow no wake speed”. Houseboat: The use and occupancy of a raft, hull, barge or vessel designed primarily to be occupied as living quarters and providing living, sleeping, cooking and/or sanitary facilities, whether temporary or permanently. Lobster Float: A float used to store lobsters or related gear. Marina: An all tide waterfront facility, whose activities may include sales, storage, and maintenance of watercraft, and which provides slips or moorings for permanent, rental or transient berthing, and sells fuel and supplies for watercraft and provides vehicle parking. Mooring: A means of securing a single watercraft to a particular location, other than a pier or dock; an underwater device, either helix, granite block, or mushroom, which tethers watercraft. Mooring Assignment: A specific location on, in and under the waters governed by this ordinance, selected by the Harbor Master, for placement of mooring gear and tackle to allow a vessel to be secured to that location through the use of a mooring. Mooring Buoy: A floating device designed to mark a mooring location. For any newly assigned moorings, buoys shall be colored white with a single blue horizontal band clearly above the water line, as described in Section III(5)(a) of the Maine Bureau of Public Lands Rule 01-670 C.M.R. ch. 3 (2014), governing Maine State Aids to Navigation System (implemented pursuant to Title 12, Section 1894. Mooring Permit: A permit issued annually by the Harbor Master to an applicant, authorizing the applicant to utilize a specific mooring site for a specific size and type of vessel, for a period of one (1) year. Mooring Plan: A plan adopted by the legislative body as part of the Harbor Management Plan designating specific locations for moorings within a mooring area and establishing limits on the numbers of moorings allowed within a mooring area. Mooring Service: A business engaged in installing and inspecting moorings using qualified mooring inspectors. Mooring Service Provider: A person, firm, or company with a tax ID and which holds a minimum of $500,000 CSL insurance policy for commercial mooring services, including inspections of mooring gear and equipment. Multi-use Mooring: A registered, non-commercial mooring that host’s more than one watercraft over the course of a season for personal use only. Personal use includes, but is not limited to, use by a visiting family member. Multi-use moorings cannot be rented or leased and owners of multi-use moorings must inform the harbor master regarding what watercraft will use the mooring each season. No more than one (1) watercraft may be moored at a time. Nonresident: All persons not residents or a taxpayer of this municipality are classified as nonresidents. Non-resident Commercial Fisherman: A non-resident of this municipality who derives a majority of their annual income from lobstering, clamming, or fishing or other marine fishery and who has legally obtained all necessary permits, licenses and approvals. Outhaul Mooring: A line attached to the shore and to a weight offshore to which a dinghy is secured. Paddleboard: A large buoyant board used for recreation that is generally propelled by a standing rider using a paddle. A paddleboard is deemed to be a personal watercraft and subject to the same rules as a kayak in this chapter. Pier: A structure connected and starting from land heading seaward for the purpose of accessing the water, generally by watercraft. Point of Access: The upland area in this municipality that is used to access a mooring of which the area of land is owned by the mooring owner or by the municipality or constitutes a right of way or other property such as a yacht club or other association in which the applicant has rights and/or membership for the purpose of accessing the water. Parcels that are commercially operated may be considered a Point of Access for commercial, service and rental moorings. Qualified Mooring Inspector: An approved mooring service that satisfies the Harbor Master as to its qualifications to inspect the condition and size of a mooring. Qualifications will be judged by past experience in installing and inspecting moorings, and familiarity with moorings to include the size and kind of tackle needed for the safe mooring of different size vessels. Resident: A person who occupies a dwelling for more than six (6) months in a calendar year within this municipality, a real estate tax payer, or a registered voter in this municipality. Resident Commercial Fisherman: A resident of this municipality who derives a majority of their annual income from lobstering, fishing or clamming, or any other marine fishery and who has legally obtained all necessary permits, licenses and approvals. Rental Mooring: A mooring site assigned to an individual or business, for which the use is rented or leased. (Army Corps of Engineers Permit Required) Riparian Owner: Means an owner of a parcel of land which borders the tidal waters of this municipality. Safety Equipment: This Includes, but is not limited to, signals, flares, horn, fire extinguisher and personal flotation devices as defined in federal law per the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971, Public Law 92-75, as amended. Salt Marsh: Areas of coastal wetland (most often along coastal bays) that support salt tolerant species, and where at average high tide during the growing season, the soil is irregularly inundated by tidal waters. The predominant species is saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). More open areas often support widgeon grass, eelgrass, and Sago pondweed. Service Mooring: Any mooring owned by a commercial entity used in the daily operations of that business that is not intended for rental purposes. (Army Corps of Engineers Permit required) Shorefront Owner: An owner of a parcel of land that boarders upon the waters governed by this ordinance. Subtidal Waters: The waters below the extreme low water mark. Transient vessel: Means a vessel using a mooring for which someone else holds the permit and seeking a temporary harbor of refuge, or a vessel dropping anchor for a temporary period not to exceed 14 days. Underway: Means the condition of a vessel not at anchor; without moorings; and not made fast to the shore nor aground. Vessel: Any watercraft used or capable of being used for transportation. Watercraft: Any type of vessel, boat, barge, float, or craft used on the water. Waters of (name of municipality): All waters below the highest annual tide and extending seaward three miles from the shoreline of property located within the boundaries of this municipality. Waterfront Parcel of Land: Means a parcel of land of any size with at least 100 feet of shoreline frontage that was owned prior to January 1st, 1987. Waterways: Means all of the navigable waters and all harbors, rivers, and bays within the boundaries of the municipality. Wharf: A structure of timber, masonry, cement, earth or other material, built on the shore of a harbor, river, canal or the like, especially one extending parallel to the shoreline, so that vessels may lie close alongside to receive and discharge passengers and cargo. Yacht Club: A private association, corporation or other legal entity organized to promote recreational boating.
The Harbor Committee generally serves as an advisory Board to the municipalities Board of Selectmen or Town Council. The role of the Harbor Committee is to make recommendations for policy regarding the regulation of moorings, slips, channels and general use of the municipality’s harbors, coves and waterfronts. The Harbor Committee usually serves as the first line of appeals when someone is aggrieved by the decision of Harbor Master (see Appeals).
BIDDEFORD Appointment; terms, qualifications of members. The Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the City Council, a Harbor Commission. A person who is aggrieved by a decision or action of the Harbormaster relating to this article may appeal to the Harbor Commission within 30 days of the date of such act or decision. (1) The Commission shall consist of five members serving staggered three-year terms. (2) The initial terms of Commissioners shall be two Commissioners for three-year terms, two Commissioners for two-year terms, and one Commissioner for a one-year term. (3) The Commission shall be comprised of two recreational boaters; two from the commercial fishing field; and one at-large, with all appointees having demonstrate experience of at least five years with the adjacent waterways of the City. Duties, generally. (a) The Harbor Commission shall meet to hear appeals of decisions made by the Harbormaster and to act as an advisory vehicle for any construction from the mean high water line down, and to perform the other functions specified or implied by this article. (b) The Harbor Commission shall submit annually a budget for approval by the City Council, such expenditures to be drawn from the revenues designated by Section 74-77. BRUNSWICK Rivers and coastal waters commission. (a) Purpose. The rivers and coastal waters commission works toward harbor improvement and management, consistent with the objectives and priorities of the town's harbor management plan (HMP). The commission will bring recommendations for policy, oversight and/or action(s) to the town council, as appropriate. The town council will have ultimate authority over adopting the commission's recommendations. (b) Administrative matters. The commission will meet bimonthly, quarterly, or other frequency as determined by the commissioners and staff. The commission will elect its slate of officers, at an interval deemed most appropriate to its membership. (c) Appeals. The rivers and coastal waters commission also sits as a board of appeals to hear appeals from any person aggrieved by any order, rule, or action by the harbor master as set forth in section 11-14 of this chapter. (d) Staffing and membership. The primary staff to the commission shall be the harbor master. The commission will be composed of seven (7) voting members; two (2) ex-officio non-voting members; two (2) alternates; and one (1) non-voting primary staff member, as described in the town council charge adopted April 28, 2014, as amended from time to time. CUMBERLAND Coastal Waters Commission A.Establishing policy. The Cumberland Coastal Waters Commission exists for the general purpose of evaluating public usage of and access to the coastal and tidal waters under the jurisdiction of the Town and planning for the future use of those waters; to advise the Town Council on policy matters and proposed regulations concerning the Town's coastal and tidal waters; to plan and implement improvements in conjunction with state and federal authorities; to supervise the enforcement of Town rules and regulations by the Harbormaster; and to sit as a board of appeals to hear appeals as provided by this chapter from any person aggrieved by a decision, act, or failure to act of the Harbormaster. The Commission may recommend to the Town Council a mooring plan for any area in which moorings are allowed under this chapter. The Commission will regularly inform the Town Council and other boards, committees, or officials of the Town of its activities. B.Organization (1)The Coastal Waters Commission consists of at least five members appointed by the Town Council. Each Commissioner must be a resident of the Town and will serve without compensation. (2)Neither a Town Councilor nor their spouse may be a member of the Commission. (3)Any question of whether a particular issue involves a conflict of interest sufficient to disqualify a member from voting on that issue will be decided by a majority vote of the members, excluding the member who is being challenged; in the event of a tie vote on the question of whether a member should be disqualified from voting on the issue, the member will be disqualified from voting on the issue. (4)The Town Council may dismiss a member of the Commission for cause before the member's term expires. A Commissioner will forfeit membership on the Commission for failure to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Commission without being excused by the Commission. The Chairman of the Commission will notify the Town Council Chairman of the forfeiture of office. (5)The term of office of a member is three years, except the initial appointments which are as follows: two members for three-year terms, two members for two-year terms, and one member for a one-year term. (6)The Commission will annually elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman from its membership and may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. Officers will serve one-year terms and are eligible for reelection. C.Procedure (1)The Chairman will call meetings of the Commission. The Chairman will also call meetings of the Commission when requested to do so by a majority of the members or by the Town Council. A quorum of the Commission necessary to conduct an official Commission meeting consists of at least three members. The Chairman will preside at all meetings of the Commission and will be the official spokesman of the Commission. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman will assume these duties. (2)The Commission must maintain a permanent record of all Commission meetings and all correspondence. The Commission is responsible for maintaining those records which are required as a part of the various proceedings which may be brought before the Commission. All records to be maintained or prepared by the Commission are public records and must be filed in the Town Clerk's office and may be inspected at reasonable times. D.Jurisdiction. The Coastal Waters Commission will hear appeals as provided for by § 48-11 of this chapter. For purposes of 38 M.R.S.A. § 9, as amended, the Coastal Waters Commission is entrusted with harbor management. DAMARISCOTTA The Harbor Committee is authorized to: a) Oversee and plan the general operation of the activities on and in the Damariscotta River Great Salt Bay and Sheepscot River including defining channels and their boundary lines in harbors and waterways. b) Provide guidance in assigning suitable portions of harbor and other coastal and tidal waters for anchorages, mooring districts, boating facilities owned by the Towns and aquaculture sites. c) Establish regulations for uses of the waterways, navigations lanes, anchors areas, the towns’ boating facilities and mooring districts. d) Oversee the duties of the Harbor Master in the implementation of the provisions of this ordinance. e) Adopt written policies and procedures to facilitate administration of the ordinance. f) Make recommendations for balancing the enhancement of harbor usage with the conservation of natural, cultural and aesthetic resources for the long-range benefit of all stakeholders, g) Assure public participation in deliberations and recommendations to the Boards of Selectmen with four meetings per calendar year, one each quarter, with all meetings open to the public and following due public notice. Committee Composition: a) The Harbor Committee shall be comprised of six members. b) Upon enactment of this Ordinance, the tow Town’s Boards of Selectmen shall each designate three members of the public to serve on the Harbor Committee. One members appoint from each Town shall have an initial term of office of one year. One member appointed from each town shall have an initial term of two years. One member appointed from each Town shall have an initial term of three years. c) Thereafter, as normal terms of office expire, appointment to the Committee shall be for three year terms. d) The Committee shall annually at the first meeting after the Board of Selectmen has appoint any new members, elect a chairman, a vice-chairman and a secretary from among its own members. Those so elected shall take office at the close of the meeting and shall continue I office until the next annual election. If the chairman’s position becomes vacant, the vice-chairman shall succeed to that positon and a new Vice-Chairman shall be elected. e) If any Committee Member’s position becomes vacant, a replacement shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen to serve out the remainder of the vacating member’s term. f) Either Board of Selectmen can, at any time, remove one of their appointed members, with or without cause and initiate replacement. g) If a vacancy occurs within three months of normal term’s expiration, the Board of Selectmen that made the initial appointment may either leave the position vacant for the remainder of the term or appoint a new member whose term will fulfill the reminder of the unexpired term. FREEPORT 1. Organization: (a) The Coastal Waters Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Town Council. Each Commissioner shall be a resident of the Town of Freeport and shall serve without compensation. (b) Neither a municipal officer nor their spouse may be a member of the Commission. (c) Any question of whether a particular issue involves a conflict of interest sufficient t disqualify a member from voting thereon shall be decided by a majority vote of the members, except the member who is being challenged. (d) Commissioners may be removed by the Town Council for cause, after notice and hearing. The Chairperson of the Commission shall notify the Town Council Chairperson of the forfeiture of office by a Commissioner(s). (e) The term of office of a member shall be three (3) years, except the initial appointments which shall be as follows: three (3) members for two (2) year terms; and two (2) members for one (1) year term. (f) The Commission shall annually elect a chairperson, vice - chairperson and secretary from its membership and may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. Officers shall serve one (1) year term and shall be eligible for re-election. 2. Procedure: (a) The Chairperson shall call meetings of the commission as required. The Chairperson shall also call meetings of the Commission when requested to do so by a majority of the members or by the Town Council. A quorum of the Commission necessary to conduct an official Commission Meeting shall consist of at least four (4) members. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and shall be official spokesperson of the Commission. (b) The Secretary shall maintain a permanent record of all Commission meetings and all correspondence of the Commission. The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining those records which are required as a part of the various proceedings which may be brought before the Commission. All records to be maintained or prepared by the Secretary are deemed public and shall be filed in the Municipal Clerk's office and may be inspected at reasonable times. (c) The Commission may provide by rule, which shall be recorded by the Secretary, for any matter relating to the conduct of any hearing, provided that any rule may be waived by the Chairperson upon good cause shown. (d) The Commission may receive any oral or documentary evidence but shall provide as a matter of policy for the exclusion of irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence. Every party shall have the right to present his or her case or defense by oral or documentary evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence and to conduct such cross-examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts. (e) The transcript of testimony, if any, and exhibits together with all papers and requests filed in the proceeding, shall become part of the record and shall include a statement of findings and conclusions, as well as the reasons and/or basis thereof, upon all the material issues of fact, law or discretion presented in the appropriate order, relief or denial thereof. Notice of any decision shall be mailed or hand delivered to the petitioner, his or her representative or agent, the Planning Board, agency or office and the municipal officers within seven (7) days of their decision. 3. Jurisdiction: The Coastal Waters Commission shall hear any appeal by any person affected directly or indirectly from any decision, order, rule, act or failure to act of the Harbormaster. In deciding any appeal, the Commission shall hear and approve, approve with modifications or conditions, or disapprove the decision, order, rule, act or failure to act of the Harbormaster, from which the appeal is made. FRIENDSHIP 1. The Friendship Harbor Board (Board) is authorized to: a) Define channels and their boundary lines in harbors and waterways, b) Assign suitable portions of harbor and other coastal and tidal waters for anchorages, mooring districts and aquaculture sites. c) Establish regulations for their use, d) Establish waiting list procedures, e) Oversee the duties of the Harbor Master, and f) Hear certain appeals as set forth. 2. Establishment of The Friendship Harbor Board (Board): a) Appointment Members of the Board shall be appointed by the municipal officers, who shall determine their compensation, and be sworn by the Municipal Clerk or other person authorized to administer oaths. The Board shall consist of (7) members and two (2) alternate members. The Term of each member shall be three (3) years, except the initial appointments which shall be for one, two or three years, with alternate members appoint for three years. When there is a permanent vacancy, the municipal officers shall appoint a person to serve for the unexpired term. A vacancy shall occur upon the resignation or death or any member, or when a member fails to attend four (4) consecutive regular meetings without a reasonably excuse, or when a member ceases to be a voting resident of the Town. The municipal officers may remove members of the Board by majority vote, for cause, after notice and hearing. Neither a municipal officer nor his or her spouse may serve as a member or alternate member of the board. b) Organization, Rules and Procedures: The Board shall elect a chairperson from among its full voting members and create and dill such other office as it may determine. The term of all offices shall be one (1) year with eligibility for reelection. When a member is unable to act because of interest, physical incapacity, absence or any other reason satisfactorily to the chairperson, the chairperson shall designate an alternate member to sit in his or her place. Any question of whether a particular issue involves a conflict of interest sufficient to disqualify a member from voting thereon shall be decided by a majority vote of the members, except the member who is being challenged. An alternate member may attend all meeting of the Board and participate in its proceedings, but may vote only when he or she has been designated by the chairperson to sit for a member. The chairperson shall call one regular meeting each month, provided there is business to conduct. No meeting of the Board shall be held without a quorum consisting of four (4) members or alternate members authorized to vote. No action shall be taken by the board without at least four (4) concurring votes on the issue before the Board. (Unless a 2/3 vote is required by the ordinance) c) Duties and Powers: The Board shall adopt bylaws governing board functions. The board may not adopt rules and procedures for transaction of business and the secretary shall keep a record of its resolutions, transaction, correspondence, findings, and determinations. The Board shall file all bylaws, rules and procedures and subsequent revisions with the municipal clerk. Copies shall be provided to the municipal officers for their information. The Board shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as are provided by ordinance and the laws of the State of Maine. The Board may obtain goods and services necessary to its proper function within the limits of appropriations made for the purpose. GEORGETOWN Harbor Committee A. Appointment: The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a committee of five individuals familiar with the waterways and their activities, all of whom shall be Georgetown residents, but none of whom shall be the Harbormaster or his deputies. Additionally, the Selectmen shall appoint as many as three alternate members who shall serve as regular members at the discretion of the chairman when a regular member is excused because of a conflict of interest or is unable to serve. B. Term: All committee members shall serve staggered three-year terms. C. Powers: The Harbor Committee shall: 1. Plan the development of and establish policy for Georgetown's waterways. 2. Study issues which may arise as a result of the use of the Georgetown Waterways and Harbors Ordinance. 3. Recommend rules and regulations, including mooring fees, for use of waterways to the Selectmen for approval by the Town at Town Meeting. 4. Recommend individuals to the Board of Selectmen for the position of Harbormaster. 5. Prepare and administer the budget for the activities of the Harbor Committee and the Harbormaster. 6. Review the activities of the Harbormaster. D. Meetings: The Committee shall meet at least six times a year. E. Vote: The Committee decisions will be made by vote of a majority of regular members present and voting. F. Quorum: A majority of the regular members appointed to the Committee shall constitute quorum. HARPSWELL Committee Make-up: The Harbor and Waterfront Committee shall be comprised of a certain number of members, as determined and appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Terms of Office and Positions At the time of adoption of this Ordinance, the Board of Selectmen shall designate two members of the Committee to have terms of office expiring at the end of one year, two members to have terms of office expiring at the end of two years, and three members to have terms of office expiring at the end of three years. Thereafter, as normal terms of office expire, appointments to the Committee shall be for three year terms, thus guaranteeing continuity of the Committee and its work. The committee shall annually, at the first meeting after the Board of Selectmen has appointed the members, elect a Chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary from among its own members. Those so elected shall take office at the close of the meeting and shall continue in office until the next annual election. Should the chairman’s position become vacant, the vice-chairman shall succeed to that position. Should other duly elected positions become vacant, the chairman will fill them by appointment. Should any Committee Member’s position become vacated, a replacement shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen to serve out the remainder of the term of the member being replaced. Upon the written recommendation of the Committee, the Board of Selectmen may request the resignation of an inactive or disruptive Committee member and take the necessary steps for replacement. Should a vacancy occur within three months of a normal term expiration the Board of Selectmen, at its discretion, may either leave the position vacant for the remainder of the unexpired term, or appoint a new member whose term will run for three years plus the unexpired remainder. Duties and Responsibilities: The Committee shall act as an advisory Board to Harbormaster and the Board of Selectmen on all matters pertaining to Harbors, Anchorages and the Waterfront. The Committee shall monitor the activities of the Harbormaster and his care, custody and management of Town Landings, harbors, Anchorages and their facilities and, from time to time, make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. The Committee shall work closely with the Harbormaster to ensure that his duties are carried out as intended by this Ordinance, Title 38 M.R.S. Chapter I and other applicable statutes. Suggestions for improvements or other change (s) in Committee responsibilities shall be discussed with and approved by vote of the Board of Selectmen before being adopted. The Committee shall serve as a Board of Appeals for decisions made by the Harbormaster under this Ordinance. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all of the Committee’s proceedings and shall provide the Board of Selectmen with copies of the minutes of all meetings, and also with an Annual Report prepared in time for inclusion in the Annual Town Report. The Committee may assist the Harbormaster in review, upon request, of any subtidal Aquaculture applications submitted to the Town for Harbormaster consideration. The Harbormaster has the final authority to decide on the application in regards to fishing, navigation and other uses of the area. Compensation: Committee Members shall serve without compensation. Committee Members shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred with the prior approval of the Board of Selectmen. PHIPPSBURG Harbor Commission: The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Harbor Commission, consisting of residents knowledgeable about watercraft and water access issues; said commission shall consist of not fewer than five members nor more than seven members. Harbor Commission members shall serve terms of two years, except that the first year some members shall be appointed for one year so that in future years about half of the terms shall expire annually, thus assuring continuity of membership. The Harbor Master and any Assistant Harbor Masters that may be appointed shall be ex-officio, non-voting members. Harbor Commission Organization and Meetings: The Harbor Commission shall annually select a chair from among its membership. The Harbor Commission shall meet in the Phippsburg Town Hall on the second Mondays of January, May, and October, and with a seven day notice at such other reasonable times and places as deemed appropriate by the chair of the Harbor Commission or the Board of Selectmen, or upon petition signed by five or more watercraft owners using the coastal waters of the town. Failure of a member to attend more than two consecutive meetings of the Harbor Commission may be deemed a resignation from the Harbor Commission and the Board of Selectmen may appoint a replacement member to fill the remaining portion of the term of the person so resigning. Harbor Commission Duties: a) The Harbor Commission or Harbor Master or Assistant Harbor Master shall review at least annually each of the harbors where three or more watercraft are moored or where private or public piers are located to determine the likelihood or existence of overcrowding or conflicts. All waters of the Town of Phippsburg are designated by the Harbor Commission for regulation, under the terms of this ordinance. In addition, if any watercraft owner who regularly uses a harbor petitions for regulation, the Harbor Commission shall control mooring spaces in accordance with this ordinance and appropriate state laws. b) The Harbor Commission shall determine the boundaries of each harbor subject to regulation, said boundaries to include all areas of conflict, overcrowding or which have a potential for the same. Boundaries of regulated areas shall be based on natural features of the landscape or manmade objects such as points of land, rock outcroppings, buoys, prominent buildings or other easily identified marks. c) If the Harbor Commission finds overcrowding, conflicts, or the potential for same in any harbor, the Harbor Master shall then assign mooring spaces consistent with state and federal law, the provision of this ordinance, and in accordance with the priorities mandated by this ordinance. d) The Harbor Commission shall sit as a Board of Appeals to hear appeals of any person aggrieved by any decision, act, or failure to act of the Harbor Master or Assistant Harbor Masters. Only those appeals shall be heard that are brought to the attention of the Harbor Commission within thirty (30) days of the incident that prompted the appeal. e) The Harbor Commission, Harbor Master, or Assistant Harbor Master shall forbid the placement of new moorings, and shall require the removal of existing moorings, that unreasonably interfere with the safe approach to any wharf or pier. f) The Harbor Commission shall study and evaluate the harbor needs of the Town of Phippsburg and make whatever recommendations it deems appropriate to the Board of Selectmen or Town Meeting. SCARBOROUGH Coastal Waters and Harbor Advisory Committee: Establishment: There is hereby established a Coastal Waters and Harbor Advisory Committee consisting of five (5) voting members and two (2) alternate members serving without pay, to be appointed by the Town Council for staggered three (3) year terms. The Harbormaster shall attend and serve as staff support at all meetings of the Committee. A member of the Town Council shall serve as liaison to the Committee. Duties: (a) Exist for the general purpose of studying and evaluating public usage of and boating access to coastal waters under the jurisdiction of the Town of Scarborough, working closely with the Harbormaster to advise the Town Council on all matters pertaining to the Coastal Waters and Harbor Ordinance; (b) Make recommendations for balancing the enhancement of harbor facilities with the conservation of natural, cultural and aesthetic resources for the long-term benefit for all stakeholders; (c) Propose regulations and policies or the use of waterways, navigational lanes, anchorage areas, town docking facilities and mooring areas, such regulations and policies shall be consistent with federal and state law; (d) Regularly inform the Town Council and other boards, committees, commissions or officials of the Town, as is appropriate, of its activities. Will present an annual report to the Town Council in December. Organization and Procedure The Committee shall adopt rules and regulation for the transaction of its business, which shall be subject to Town Council approval. The Committee shall maintain a permanent record of its proceedings and correspondence. All records maintained or prepared are deemed public and shall be filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. THOMASTON Harbor Committee: a) Terms: The committee shall consist of seven (7) members and an alternate serving staggered terms of three (3) years, appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The alternate shall participate in all discussions and vote when one or more members are absent. The committee shall elect annually a chairman and secretary from its membership. The secretary shall provide for the keeping of all minutes of the proceedings. All minutes shall be a public record. b) The duties of the Harbor Committee shall be: 1) To serve as the Appeals Board for decisions of the Harbor Master. 2) To promulgate harbor rules & regulations. 3) To establish fees. 4) To cooperate with other government agencies in enforcement of this ordinance in the absence of the Harbor Master. YORK Harbor Board: 1. The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Harbor Board, being a board of Town residents, to serve without compensation and to include five regular members who serve staggered terms of three years and two alternate members who each serve a term of three years. 2. The duties and responsibilities of the Harbor Board shall be: a) To oversee and plan the general operation of the Harbors and Tidal Waters of the Town. b) To hear appeals from decisions of the Harbor Master in accordance with the procedure established in Section III, Paragraph 8 of this ordinance. c) To consider applications for both new and existing structures within the jurisdictional limits of this ordinance and to determine whether such applications should be granted, in accordance with the procedure established in Section 3 of this ordinance. d) To advise as to the Board of Selectmen regarding applications for wharves and weir fish licenses pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. § 1022. e) To advise the Harbor Master in the implementation of the provisions of this ordinance, including mooring space assignments. f) To annually submit an operating budget request to the Board of Selectmen no later than the end of May, and to administer the budget as approved. Budgets follow the Town’s fiscal year, from July to June. Amendments may be considered by the Board of Selectmen at any time. g) To submit as needed capital budget requests to the Town Manager for inclusion in the Town’s 5-year Capital Program. h) To adopt written policies, procedures, and application forms to facilitate the administration of the Ordinance. i) To make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for the enhancement of harbor facilities for the long range benefit of users and the Town. j) To make recommendations as needed to the Board of Selectmen for the revision and updating of this Ordinance. k) To hold public informational meetings as necessary to assure adequate public participation in deliberations and recommendations of the Board. l) To report periodically to the Board of Selectmen on the activities of the Harbor Board.
The Harbor Master is the individual who is appointed by the municipality to enforce and manage the Town’s local Harbor Ordinance and the provisions of Title 38 M.R.S. Chapter 1, §1 through §285. The Harbor Master may be restricted by the municipality to not make arrest or carry a weapon. A person appointed or reappointed a harbor master or a deputy harbor master after August 31, 2006 must complete a basic harbor master training course offered by a statewide harbor masters association that represents Maine harbor masters within one year after being appointed or reappointed unless that person has previously completed such a course. If a person has not held the position of Harbor Master or Deputy Harbor Master within the last 5 years prior to being appointed or reappointed, that person upon appointment or reappointment must complete the basic harbor master training course.
BIDDEFORD The appointed and qualified Harbormaster for the City may have the authority of a law enforcement officer, if that person is certified as a law enforcement officer by the Maine Criminal Justice Academy, and is approved by the Chief of Police. The authority granted to the Harbormaster under this article is in addition to and not in limitation of his authority under state law, including, without limitation, 38 M.R.S. § 1 through 6. The Harbormaster shall settle all mooring disputes in the harbor. The Harbormaster shall enforce the rules and regulations enacted by the City Council or Harbor Commission for the keeping open of convenience channels for the passage of vessels in the harbors located in the City, the supervision of the boundary lines of such channels as established by the Harbor Commission or Harbormaster, and the supervision of such portions of the harbors as assigned for anchorage or mooring by the Harbor Commission or Harbormaster (see Division 4 to this article). As compensation for performing the duties of Harbormaster, a yearly stipend not to exceed $9,000, with a recommendation from the Harbor Commission, shall be paid to the Harbormaster and each duly authorized assistant. This stipend shall be paid quarterly and shall be drawn from the revenue fund designated in accordance with the provisions of Section 74-77. BRUNSWICK (a)Appointment. The town shall appoint a harbor master every three (3) years (or upon vacancy) on May 1 for a period of three (3) years. Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. § 1-A, a person appointed or reappointed as harbor master must complete a basic harbor master training course offered by a statewide harbor masters association within one (1) year after being appointed or reappointed, unless that person has previously completed such a course. (b)Duties. The harbor master shall have the following responsibilities and duties. (1)To the extent of jurisdiction, enforce any and all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, codes, rules or regulations relating to the management and control of the Town of Brunswick's harbor, coastal, tidal and navigable fresh waters, shores, coastline, boat launch facilities, and wharfs; (2)Provide information or seek input as appropriate from any source, including the rivers and coastal waters commission, the marine resources committee, marine wardens, town manager, town council, or town attorney; (3)Approve and control the placement of all moorings within the harbor, coastal, tidal, and navigable fresh waters of the Town of Brunswick pursuant to the provisions of this article; (4)Maintain accurate records of all registered moorings; and (5)Serve as staff to the rivers and coastal waters commission (the "commission"), regularly attend commission meetings, inform the commission of his/her activities and provide such information as may be requested by the commission for the execution of its duties. The harbor master shall also report to the town council regarding his/her activities and the activities of the commission. (c)Authority to carry a weapon and make arrests. Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. § 1, a harbor master may not make arrests or carry a firearm unless the harbor master has successfully completed the training requirements prescribed in 25 M.R.S.A. § 2804-I. A harbor master who has completed this training shall be assigned to a division under the police department. CAPE ELIZABETH Harbor Master Appointment A Harbor Master for the Town of Cape Elizabeth shall be appointed and may be removed by the Chief of Police subject to the approval of the Town Manager and shall be subject to all the provisions of Title 38, Maine Revised Statutes Annotated Section 1 et seq. as amended. Maritime Agent The Harbor Master is to be considered the maritime agent of the Cape Elizabeth Town Council and shall have full authority for the interpretation and enforcement of all regulations affecting the harbors, waterways and tidal waters of the Town of Cape Elizabeth. Responsibility for Equipment The Harbor Master shall be the municipal overseer of all town owned marine oriented equipment not specifically included within the purview of any other Town Board or Department. Mooring Records The Harbor Master shall maintain copies of all mooring records as well as any waiting list for mooring location assignment. CUMBERLAND Harbormaster a) The Harbormaster will be appointed by the Town Manager annually. The Harbormaster's duties and responsibilities are as prescribed by 38 M.R.S.A. § 1 et seq. and by the provisions of this chapter. The Town Council may establish the Harbormaster's compensation, and the Harbormaster may be removed for cause in accordance with 38 M.R.S.A. § 1. b) The Harbormaster will regularly attend the meetings of the Coastal Waters Commission and inform the Commission of their activities as well as provide such information as may be requested by the Commission in the execution of its duties. DAMARISCOTTA Damariscotta River Harbor Master: A Harbor Master shall be appointed annually by the Boards of Selectmen and receive compensation determined jointly by the Boards of Selectmen. The Harbor Master shall not make arrests or carry a weapon. The duties of the Harbor Master are to: a)Determine acceptable locations for uses and uses to insure boater and public safety. b)Administer and enforce the regulations of this ordinance. c)Assign mooring sites; conduct inspections, relocation and/or removal of moorings. d)Exercise jurisdiction over all moorings in the Harbor Districts of the Damariscotta River, Great Salt Bay and the tidal waters of the Sheepscot River. e)Create and maintain waiting lists for moorings. f)Update annually charts for Harbor Committee review (available at the Town Office) depicting Damariscotta River/Great Salt Bay/Sheepscot Harbor Districts, navigation channels, hazard areas, moorings, anchorage areas, public wharves, boat launch facilities, aquaculture sites and marine protected areas. g)Understand and perform statutory duties and responsibilities as set forth in 38 M.R.S. Section 1-13 and mandated by federal statute. h)Exercise jurisdiction over the entry of any vessel into the harbor districts. i)Promote safety within the Harbor Districts. j)Assist local, County, State and Federal authorities in the operation of the Harbor Districts. k)Attend all Committee meetings and be a non-voting advisor to the Harbor Committee. FREEPORT 1.The Harbormaster shall enforce all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations over which he or she has been given jurisdiction, including specifically, but not limited to the Coastal Waters Ordinance of the Town of Freeport and the provisions of 38 M.R.S., Sections 1-13. 2.The Harbormaster shall oversee the Town's moorings, floats, gangways, wharves, and channels and ensure their proper maintenance is provided for. 3.The Harbormaster shall regularly attend the Coastal Waters Commission meetings and inform the Commission of their activities as well as provide such available information as may be requested by the Commission for the execution of its duties. FRIENDSHIP Harbor Master duties A Friendship Harbor Master appointed annually by the Selectmen is authorized to: a)Enforce and carry out regulations established by the Board, b)Assign, vacate, move, remove and relocate specific moorings, c)Create waiting lists for mooring spaces, and d)Perform other statutory duties and responsibilities as set forth in Title 38 M.R.S. Chapter 1, Section 1 through Section 13, or mandated by federal statute. Harbor Master Limitations a)The Harbor Master shall not sell moorings, or sell services related to moorings, their installation, maintenance, etc. expects by 2/3rds vote of the Board. b)The Harbor Master shall not engage in any marine related businesses, including but not limited to fishing, except by 2/3rds vote of the Board. GEORGETOWN A. Appointment: The Harbormaster shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen upon recommendation by the Harbor Committee. B.Term: The Harbormaster shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Selectmen for a one year term. C. Duties: The Harbormaster shall: 1. Enforce this Ordinance and exercise those powers granted by State law, including, but not limited to, the provisions of 38 MRSA §§ 1 through 13. 2. Carry out responsibilities delegated by State and Federal requirements, including, but not limited to, the enforcement of the Operating Restrictions prescribed by 38 MRSA § 281 through 285. 3. Provide advice to the Harbor Committee. 4. Review and, when appropriate, approve applications for mooring privileges. 5. Assign temporary and permanent berthing and mooring locations in Georgetown waterways and harbors. 6. Remove or cause to be removed obstructions to navigation in Georgetown waterways and harbors. 7. Place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained, either on land or water, such signs, notices, signals, buoys, waterway markers, or control devices as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance or to secure public safety and the orderly and efficient use of the waterways, harbors, or maritime facilities. 8. Be alert to any pollution in the harbor, investigating and reporting to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the US Coast Guard as required and shall monitor cleanup and assist as practicable. 9. Maintain appropriate records, including expense reports, correspondence related to his duties, mooring assignments, and GPS locations. 10. Attend all meetings of the Harbor Committee. 11. Other harbor and waterway related tasks as assigned by the Board of Selectmen. D. Compensation: The Harbormaster’s compensation shall be set by the Board of Selectmen. HARPSWELL Harbormaster Appointment The Harbormaster shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and shall be subject to their control and supervision. The Harbormaster shall serve in that capacity until discharged by the Board of Selectmen or until resignation. Training Within eighteen months of his/her employment, the Harbormaster shall successfully complete the State Harbormaster Association’s Training course at the expense of the Town. Failure to pass the course for any reason shall result in his/her termination and discharge by the Board of Selectmen, after notice and hearing. Carrying a Weapon Even though the Harbormaster may hold a valid permit to carry a weapon, he/she shall not do so in carrying out his/her duties until he/she has completed the Criminal Justice Academy training course (providing for power of arrest as well as permit for carrying a weapon) and unless he or she shall have received written approval from the Board of Selectmen to make arrests and to carry a weapon. Salary The salary of the Harbormaster and Deputy Harbormaster(s) shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen. Management The Harbormaster shall manage the Floats, Docks, Ramps, Moorings and Landings that are owned by the Town and shall make recommendations regarding their operation, use and maintenance to the Committee. Meetings The Harbormaster shall regularly attend meetings of the Harbor and Waterfront Committee, but shall not be a member of the Committee. He shall keep the Committee fully informed of all his activities, problems encountered, solutions affected, and activities which have required his special attention. He shall also provide information on matters pertaining to the committee’s duties and responsibilities. Records The Harbormaster shall maintain a record for five years in which he shall record all complaints received (both written and oral), the date and time received, the response made to the complaint, and the date and time of such response. KENNEBUNK A. Appointment and compensation. Pursuant to the Kennebunkport Administrative Code, Article III, the Board of Selectmen shall annually appoint a Harbor Master who shall be subject to all the duties and liabilities of that office as prescribed by state law, regulations adopted by the municipal officers and municipal ordinances. Pursuant to the Kennebunkport Administrative Code, Article II, the Town Manager shall establish compensation and may remove the Harbor Master for cause after notice and hearing and appoint another instead. B. Powers and duties. (1) Removal of vessels. (a) The Harbor Master, upon complaint from the master, owner or agent of any vessel, shall cause any other vessel or vessels obstructing the free movement or safe anchorage of that vessel to be removed to a position as designated by the Harbor Master and may, without any complaint being made, cause any vessels anchoring within the ship channels to be removed to such anchorage as the Harbor Master may designate. If that vessel has no crew on board or if the master or other person in charge neglects or refuses to move such vessel as directed by the Harbor Master, the Harbor Master may put a suitable crew on board and move that vessel to a suitable berth at a wharf or anchorage at the expense and risk of the owner(s) of the vessel and shall charge a vessel removal fee, plus expenses, to be paid to the Town of Kennebunkport by the master or owner of that vessel. b) Once a vessel has been removed by the Harbor Master, the owner of record shall be notified, in writing, and mailed a notice via US Mail, certified return receipt. Such notice shall give the owner 30 calendar days to relocate the vessel to a suitable location and pay a vessel removal fee as set by the Board of Selectmen. Should the vessel not be relocated within the set time period, a fine of up to $100 per day may be assessed until the vessel is relocated. After 60 calendar days, the vessel may be declared abandoned. Abandoned vessels may be disposed of at the direction of the Harbor Master. (2) Mooring remove or Replacement a) In case of neglect or refusal of the mooring permittee to remove a mooring or to replace it by one of a different character when so directed by the Harbor Master, the Harbor Master shall cause the entire mooring to be removed or shall make such change in the character of the mooring as required and shall charge a mooring removal/replacement fee, plus expenses, to be paid to the Town of Kennebunkport by the mooring permittee for either of those services rendered. Before removing a mooring, the Harbor Master shall notify the mooring permittee by first class mail, at the address on the current mooring application, of the action desired, the fact that the mooring will be removed, and the amount of the mooring removal/replacement fee. If the matter is not settled to the Harbor Master's satisfaction within 14 days, the Harbor Master may take any action provided for in this section. b) The Harbor Master is authorized to remove any unmarked and/or unauthorized moorings. The Harbor Master may remove the mooring immediately and shall charge a mooring removal fee, plus expenses, to be paid to the Town of Kennebunkport by the owner of the unmarked and/or unauthorized mooring. (3) Training Training. The Harbor Master shall complete training as required by 38 M.R.S.A. § 1-A, as amended. In addition the Harbor Master shall be required to attend the annual harbor master training by the Maine Harbor Masters Association. OGUNQUIT Administration and Enforcement: The administration and enforcement of this chapter rests with the Harbormaster or, in his or her absence, a Deputy Harbormaster, who shall be annually appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Harbormaster and whose term of office shall be concurrent with that of the Harbormaster. All users of municipal floats, public boat ways, footbridges, and the waters within Perkins Cove shall be subject to and governed by the following controls and regulations: A.The Harbormaster shall have those powers and authorities as may generally be provided for in 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 2 through and including 7, as amended, and such rules and regulations and may be herein enacted by the Municipal Officers in accordance with the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A. § 7, as amended. B.The Harbormaster shall be appointed annually by the Town Manager for a term of one year, the term to expire immediately following the Annual Town Meeting. The Harbormaster may be removed for cause by the Municipal Officers pursuant to the procedures outlined in 30-A M.R.S.A. § 2633, as amended. C.Unless the individual appointed as Harbormaster shall also be trained and separately designated as a police officer by the municipality's Police Department, he or she shall not officially carry a weapon or have authority to make arrests. D.The Harbormaster shall have jurisdiction over all watercraft which may enter Perkins Cove. E.The Harbormaster shall direct, supervise and control the anchoring and mooring of all watercraft within Perkins Cove. F.The Harbormaster shall enforce those marine safety rules and regulations based upon the guidelines established by the U.S. Coast Guard, power squadrons and other federal, state or locally recognized authorities. G.The Harbormaster shall maintain a current mooring waiting list of all applicants for mooring privileges. SCARBOROUGH Harbormaster: The Harbormaster shall be appointed annually by the Town Manager for a term of twelve months commencing on January 3, 1994. Certain duties and responsibilities of this office are prescribed by Title 38, M.R.S.A. The Harbormaster has the additional duty to administer and enforce the provisions of this ordinance with the authority granted by law and through her/his appointment as harbor master. [Amended 11/01/17] An Assistant Harbormaster may be appointed annually by the Town Manager for the same term as the Harbormaster. The compensation for the Harbormaster and the Assistant Harbormaster shall be established by the Town Council. In addition to the duties prescribed under Title 38 M.R.S.A., the Harbormaster and the Assistant Harbormaster shall be the overseers of the Town’s waterfront facilities such as moorings, floats, docks, ramps and channels. They shall make recommendations to the Town Council for maintenance and improvements to all town-owned waterfront facilities. They shall have full authority to enforce all harbor regulations affecting the waterfront to the fullest extent permitted by law. THOMASTON Harbormaster: A.The Harbor master shall enforce this ordinance and the rules and regulations pertaining to harbors and tidal waters under the jurisdiction of the Thomaston Harbor Committee as promulgated by the committee, and shall cooperate with other government agencies in enforcing their regulations. B.He shall, under the supervision of the committee, oversee the jurisdictional area of the Harbor, preserve and regulate navigation with said waters, assign mooring locations and require same to be kept in safe condition, direct the removal of vessels, if necessity or emergency requires, inquire into and prosecute all offenses occurring within his jurisdiction, and he shall keep such records as the committee may require and shall perform such other duties as the committee may prescribe. C.The Harbor Master shall be appointed for one year, his qualifications, salary and expenses to be recommended by the committee. D. The Harbor Master shall be empowered to make arrests for offenses under the provisions of the regulation as other officers are authorized to do so (MRSA Title 38, Subchapter 1). WELLS Appointment of Harbor Master and Assistant Harbor Master The Board of Selectmen shall be authorized to appoint a suitably qualified Harbor Master and Assistant Harbor Master and fix a reasonable compensation for such service. YARMOUTH A.Appointment of Harbor Master The Harbor Master shall be appointed by the Town Manager in accordance with the Yarmouth Council-Manager Charter and the Administrative Code. B.Term of Office The Harbor Master duly appointed and qualified, as hereinbefore provided, shall continue in office until his/her successor is duly appointed and qualified, unless he/she sooner resigns, or is removed from office by the Town Manager. C.Authority of Harbor Master 1. The Harbor Master or his/her deputy (if any), when duly appointed and qualified under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall have power and authority to do and perform all of the duties of a Harbor Master, as provided in the Statutes of the State of Maine and acts additional thereto and mandatory thereof, and shall enforce and carry out such rules and regulations as may from time to time be made by the Town Council for the regulation and management of, the tidal waters of the Town of Yarmouth and the use of public wharves, docks, piers and floats in the Town of Yarmouth, and the Town owned adjacent lands. 2. The Harbor Master has jurisdiction over the entry of all vessels into those areas designated in said ARTICLE I.B of this Ordinance. No vessel shall be brought into the Municipality of Yarmouth for the purpose of wrecking or scrapping without the permission of the Harbor Master. 3. The Harbor Master may enforce within his/her jurisdiction safety rules based on the guidelines established by the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, United States Power Squadron and other recognized authorities, the laws of the State of Maine, and the Ordinances of the Town of Yarmouth, Maine. 4. The Harbor Master shall have jurisdiction over all moorings in the Town of Yarmouth and its waters. 5. The Harbor Master shall maintain a current mooring list and mooring waiting list for all of Yarmouth waters and any other areas within the Town of Yarmouth for which there has been established a mooring plan. A mooring plan, for the purposes of this Ordinance, shall be a system established or approved by the Harbor Master designating the locations of moorings and/or anchorage of vessels including mooring plans traditionally established and controlled by certain homeowners’ associations, including but not limited to, the Sunset Point Homeowners Association, the Cousins Island Homeowners Association, the Seabourne Association and the Homewood Association. (Collectively, the “associations”). 6. The Harbor Master shall develop and maintain a list of qualified Mooring service Providers authorized to operate in Yarmouth waters. Mooring Service Providers not on the list maintained by the Harbor Master must contact the Harbor Master before conducting work in Yarmouth and must provide the required insurance documentation. 7. In all tidal waters of the Town of Yarmouth, the mooring and anchoring of boats, the manner thereof, the locus thereof, shall be under the supervision, direction and control of the Harbor Master.
This section defines how moorings will be used and regulated, including but not limited to; applications, assignements, tackle specifications, moorings uses, fees and inspections.
BIDDEFORD Permit Required: It is unlawful to moor a vessel within the harbor of the City without first obtaining a permit from the Harbormaster. Permit Application: A) Applications for mooring permits must be filed with the City no later than March 15 of the current year. Permits are valid for a one-year period, from March 15 of the current year to March 14 of the following year. Applications shall be made on forms prescribed by the Harbormaster. Applications that are filed after the deadline shall be subject to mooring allocations made to persons applying prior to the deadline date. There shall be a late fee of $50 applied towards any application for a mooring permit which is received after March 15 of the requested year. B) Moorings permits shall specify: 1) The name and address of the owner of the mooring; 2) The type of mooring; 3) The kind of ground tackle or block used; 4) Whether the mooring has been inspected, and when; 5) The location of the mooring; 6) The name, draft, size and kind of vessel to be moored; and 7) The year the vessel was manufactured. C) A permit for a mooring is valid for the period from March 15 of the current year to March 14 of the following year and must be renewed annually. D) A mooring that is not used for any consecutive three-month period between May 1 and September 30 shall be presumed to be abandoned, and the Harbormaster may allocate that mooring location to any other person in accordance with this article. E) The Harbormaster shall maintain a waiting list for areas in which no more vessels can be safely moored, showing the priority of each applicant. F) Under the direction of the Harbor Commission, the Harbormaster shall maintain charts showing the location of all assigned moorings. G) The Harbor Commission may set the form of the mooring permit and renewal applications. H) The annual application fee for the waiting list for moorings shall be $10 which shall be applied against the mooring permit fee as a credit the year the mooring is placed. I) A granted mooring permit or renewal fee shall be $125. [Amended 9-2-2014 by Ord. No. 2014.85] J) All funds collected as a result of this section shall be considered designated revenue for the sole purpose of the execution of this division and the promotion of marine related facilities in the harbor. K) No vessel is allowed to moor between December 1 and April 1 without written permission of the Harbormaster. Assignments: A) Moorings in each area shall be assigned by the Harbormaster in a manner to comply with the federal requirements that moorings falling within the scope of federal navigation projects must be managed in the general public interest and must be accessible and available to all on equal terms. B) The Harbormaster shall establish a management system for assignment of moorings using the following standards: 1) The system shall make no arbitrary distinction or requirements of any kind in allocating use of moorings except as may be consistent with the purpose of which any federal navigation project concerning or relating to moorings as constructed or undertaken. 2) The system shall not result in arbitrary fees or arbitrary variations in fees among users. The cost of providing necessary management and ancillary facilities and services with respect to moorings may be offset through equitable user fees based on the actual costs incurred. C) Information pertaining to moorings shall be readily available to the public at all times. D) The Harbormaster shall designate an area in each harbor which shall be for the mooring of commercial fishing vessels properly equipped to lobster, gillnet, longline, and/or trawl. This designated area must comply with the Army Corps of Engineers' mooring allocation guidelines. This would be done by establishing a separate waiting list for noncommercial and commercial fishing vessels. E) The Harbormaster may at his discretion allow mooring of noncommercial fishing vessels within the designated commercial fishing vessel area provided it does not preclude a commercial fishing vessel as listed in this section from being moored in that area. Assignment of rights; grandfathering; large vessels. A) Mooring transfers permitted by ordinance in accordance with State Statutes M.R.S.A., Sec. 3-A, as amended, as follows: Any mooring assignment used for commercial fishing purposes may be transferred only at the request or death of the assignee, and only to a member of the assignee's family and only if the mooring assignment will continue to be used for commercial purposes as described in Section 74-78, Assignments, Subsection (d), which reads: "The Harbormaster shall designate an area in each harbor which shall be for the mooring of commercial fishing vessels properly equipped to lobster, gillnet, longline, and/or trawl." For the purpose of this section, "member of the assignee's family," means an assignee's parent, child or sibling, by birth or adoption, including a relation of the half blood. B) Persons having moorings as of March 20, 1989, in a given location who apply for a permit for their moorings by September 1, 1989, shall have priority for that location as against other persons with the same or lower priority under Section 74-78. This section shall not apply to rental moorings unless, prior to March 20, 1989, a federal mooring permit has been granted to that individual. Failure to have a federal permit prior to March 20, 1989, shall terminate any rights that individual has in a mooring or moorings and that individual must comply with the provisions of Section 74-78. C) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (a), persons awarded permits shall have priority for that location as against other persons with the same or lower priority under Section 74-78, provided that the mooring is not abandoned and that the owner files timely applications every year to renew the permit. D) Moorings for vessels over 50 feet may, at the discretion of the Harbormaster, be assigned only in noncongested areas. E) In assigning moorings, the Harbormaster shall maintain channels and access to piers, wharves and docks. Mooring Tackle; Identification; Inspections. A) All moorings shall be of sufficient size and weight, with chain or rope in sound condition, to properly secure the moored vessel, and the float attached to the mooring line shall be of sufficient size and buoyancy to remain afloat when not attached to the vessel. Each mooring float shall be marked with the number of its assigned permit in permanent legible numbers not less than three inches high. B) All moorings shall be inspected by the Harbormaster or a qualified mooring inspector not less than every other year by June 30. C) The Harbormaster may, at his discretion, cause a mooring to be hauled for inspection at any time at the owner's expense if the mooring has not been inspected in accordance with this division or the Harbormaster has reasonable cause to believe the mooring is unsafe. D) All moorings are required to meet the following minimum standards. These are minimum standards only. The Harbormaster may require heavier tackle based on the mooring location. (1) The length of the heavy chain (from the mooring block to the light chain or rope) shall be equal to the depth of the surrounding water at mean high water. *It is recommended that the chain be grade 30 or better. (2) The length of the light chain or rope (from the heavy chain to the mooring ball) shall also be equal to the depth of the surrounding water at mean high water. (3) The length of the pennant (line from mooring ball to bow chock or cleat of the vessel) shall be equal to 1 1/3 the vertical distance from the water to the box chock or cleat of the vessel. (4) All mooring lines shall be nonfloating. (5) A mooring float shall meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations; a white ball with a blue stripe. (6) A mushroom anchor or helix mooring anchor is permitted with the approval of the Harbormaster. (7) A sealed tag shall be installed by the inspector identifying mooring and date of inspection. Prohibited Mooring Areas: Moorings shall be prohibited in all channels of Biddeford Harbor. Unauthorized Moorings; Pumping out Boats Taking On Water: A) The Harbormaster is authorized to remove, at the owner’s expense, any unauthorized mooring or any mooring that has been determined to be unsafe. Prior to removal, the Harbormaster is required to provide notification to the owner of the mooring in accordance with Section 74-85. B) The Harbormaster is authorized to hire a contractor to pump out any boat found to be taking on water that is secured to a licensed mooring, but no more than twice in a thirty-six-hour period. All those not paying fees for such work within 60 days will lose their mooring privileges for the remainder of the permit time and not be granted a new mooring permit until the contractor is paid for the cost of pumping and/or salvage. This applies only to boats for which the owner cannot be located and/or has failed to take immediate action. Any contractor authorized by the Harbormaster to pump or salvage a vessel shall seek reimbursement only from the vessel owner or other liable parties but shall not have an action against the City for such costs. BRUNSWICK Moorings: A)Mooring assignments. Mooring privileges in the Town of Brunswick shall be assigned pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 3 and 11. Consequently, mooring assignments are available to individuals who are the owners or masters of a watercraft and who own shore rights to a parcel of land, which is defined as a lot that satisfies applicable minimal buildable lot size requirements and includes at least one hundred (100) feet of shoreline frontage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, mooring assignments are also available to individuals who, prior to January 1, 1987, owned shore rights of at least one hundred (100) feet of frontage regardless of the size of the lot. Only one (1) mooring may be assigned to any shorefront parcel of land under this privilege. B)Grandfathered moorings. Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, mooring privileges in lawful existence on the effective date of the ordinance from which this article was derived shall be preserved. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as a limitation on the authority of the harbor master with respect to use and location of the moorings. C)Transferability of mooring assignments. Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 3 and 3-A, mooring assignments may not be transferred unless the mooring is used for commercial fishing purposes. Transfer of a mooring assignment used for commercial fishing purposes is permitted only at the request or death of the mooring owner, only to a member of the mooring owner's family, and only if the mooring assignment will continue to be used for commercial fishing purposes. A member of the mooring owner's family means a parent, child, or sibling, by birth or adoption, including a relation of the half blood, or the mooring owner's spouse. D)Registration. Owners of parcels that qualify under subsection (a) of this section who desire a mooring assignment and owners of grandfathered mooring assignments must submit a mooring registration form to the harbor master each year. In the year 2015, the harbor master shall no later than two (2) weeks after enactment of this article by the town council send via U.S. mail or email a notice to all registered mooring owners informing them of the June 1 deadline for submission of the annual mooring registration form. Each year thereafter, the harbor master shall no later than January 31 send via U.S. mail or email a notice to all registered mooring owners informing them of the May 1 deadline for submission of the annual registration form. Notice of the registration deadline shall also be posted in the town hall and on the Town of Brunswick's website no later than January 31. Mooring registration forms may be downloaded from the Town of Brunswick's website or obtained from the town clerk or the harbor master. Registration Forms Shall Contain the Following Information: (1) Description of the watercraft to be moored, including state and/or federal registration numbers, make and model, color, length, propulsion, draft, and weight; (2) The applicant's name (or names, in the event the mooring is to be held jointly by adult members of the same household), residence address or local business address, mailing address (designated by the applicant as the address where the applicant will accept notices under this article), home or cell phone number, and email address; (3) Type and weight of mooring; (4) Type and size of bottom and top chains; (5) A name, address, and telephone number of an emergency contact, whom the mooring owner authorizes to make decisions surrounding the mooring in his or her absence; (6) GPS location (or proposed location) of the mooring; (7) The signature of the applicant, or the applicant's designee, and the date of the application; and (8) Dates of installation and of the most recent inspection. E)Fees. The annual mooring registration fees shall be charged in accordance with the Master Schedule of Revenues, Charges, Fees and Fines, Appendix B to this Municipal Code of Ordinances. F)Mooring inspection required. Every two (2) years, each registered mooring shall be inspected by the mooring owner at the mooring owner's expense and must be determined by the mooring owner to be in a safe condition. The date of inspection must be recorded on the mooring registration form. The mooring owner is responsible for the adequacy and performance of all mooring gear, tackle, and maintenance thereof. The harbor master has the authority to inspect at any time any mooring and to require any necessary maintenance or replacement of parts or the whole mooring, tackle and/or gear, for which the mooring owner shall be responsible for all costs incurred. The Town of Brunswick assumes no liability whatsoever for the actual performance or adequacy of any mooring system employed by a mooring owner. G)Placement standards. The harbor master shall approve the location of all moorings in the harbor, coastal, and tidal waters of Brunswick. All moorings shall meet the following standards: (1)Moorings shall be adequate for the size, weight, and windage of the watercraft. (2)Moorings shall be located in areas that do not interfere with navigation. (3)Moorings shall not encroach into the channels of Brunswick. (4)Moorings shall be located in areas that do not cause unreasonable adverse impacts on natural resources. Conditions that may result in an unreasonable adverse impact on natural resources include, but are not limited to: a.The presence of eel grass or other submerged vegetation; b.The presence of a significant shellfish habitat, or important recreational or commercial fishing ground; c.The proposed location is within mapped significant shorebird feeding or roosting habitat (based on Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Maine Department of Environmental Protection Maps); d.The proposed location is within mapped tidal waterfowl and wadingbird habitat (based on Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Maine Department of Environmental Protection Maps); e.The proposed location is within habitat for listed rare, threatened, or endangered species, and regular use of a mooring in that location would unreasonably adversely impact the species; or f.The proposed location would cause unreasonable adverse impacts to a saltmarsh. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the authority of the harbor master to consider other factors and make determinations on unreasonable adverse impacts to natural resources on a case-by-case basis. Where practicable, the harbor master shall work with the mooring owner to evaluate and select placement and tackle alternatives in order to mitigate unreasonable adverse impacts on natural resources. (5)The harbor master's authority under this section shall not be inconsistent with Army Corps of Engineers and Maine Department of Environmental Protection approvals governing existing commercial moorings in mooring fields. (6)Where practicable, the harbor master shall, if so requested, locate the mooring within reasonable proximity of the mooring owner's property. All moorings that meet the above standards but are not placed in the location approved by the harbor master shall be moved by the owner at his or her own expense in accordance with the instructions of the harbor master. In the event of a mooring owner's failure to comply with the relocation and/or removal instructions of the harbor master, the harbor master shall move or remove the improperly located mooring and the cost shall be borne by the owner of the mooring. Before removing a mooring, the harbor master shall notify the owner, if ownership can be determined, by mail at the owner's last known address, or by email. The notice shall inform the owner of the desired action and of the fact that the mooring will be removed at the expense of the owner if the owner does not comply. If the matter is not settled to the harbor master's satisfaction within two (2) weeks after notice was given, the harbor master may then move or remove the mooring. h. Identifying numbers. Identifying numbers shall be issued to mooring owners, and mooring balls and buoys must be clearly marked with the issued number. Numbers shall be a minimum of four (4) inches and visible at all times. Replacement mooring balls and buoys shall maintain the originally assigned number. An annual mooring registration sticker, issued by the harbor master upon completion and approval of the mooring registration, shall be affixed to the top of the mooring buoy for which it was assigned. i. Ownership of moorings. All mooring assignments (with the exception of marina moorings) shall be used exclusively for the use of the mooring owner and solely for the watercraft (or in the case of a multi-use mooring, multiple watercraft) listed in the application. j. Termination. All persons who had been assigned a mooring and whose mooring assignment is to be terminated by the harbor master for reasons of noncompliance with this article or any other reason shall receive written notification from the harbor master. This notice shall state the fact of the termination and the reason for termination, and list the appeal procedures designated in section 11-14 of this chapter. k. Associations. Associations may establish and manage moorings plans on behalf of association members, subject to input and approval by the harbor master. Mooring areas controlled by associations shall be subject to the following requirements: (1) The association manages moorings in designated areas; (2) The association provides oversight of member mooring use, including inspections; and (3) The association is registered with the harbor master and provides member/mooring holder rosters and mooring location plans. l. Winterization of moorings. In order to improve public safety and avoid navigational hazards winter mooring buoys shall be readily visible at all times. They shall be white in color, oriented in a vertical position and extend at least eighteen (18) inches above the water. The mooring permit number (or business name for commercial/rental moorings) must be displayed on the winter mooring. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as a limitation on the ability of the harbor master to carry out his responsibilities and duties as set forth in this chapter. CAPE ELIZABETH Mooring Location Assignments: All mooring locations shall be assigned by the Harbor Master. No mooring shall be placed without a written permit from the Harbor Master authorizing placement of a mooring at a specific location. Moorings shall be placed within thirty (30) days of obtaining a permit or July first (1) of the year the permit is obtained, whichever is later. Mooring Permit: All permits issued hereunder shall be for a period of one (1) year, and shall be subject to renewal annually. Permit holders who elect not to renew must notify the Harbor Master and remove their mooring. The mooring permit of any person who violates any of the provisions of these regulations may be revoked by written notice to that effect signed by the Harbor Master. Moorings to be Registered and Numbered: Moorings shall be registered and numbered at all times. Mooring numbers shall be issued by the Harbor Master at the time a mooring permit is issued. Mooring Locations Subject to Change: All moorings shall be subject to change in location at the owner's expense if such change is deemed by the Harbor Master to be in the best interest of the Town. Harbor Master Empowered to Remove Moorings: If a mooring owner refuses to move his mooring after receiving written notice to do so, the Harbor Master is authorized, after a fourteen (14) day waiting period to remove the mooring float, mark the mooring chain with an identifying tag and drop the chain to the bottom. If the Harbor Master determines that the anchor and chain could pose a fouling hazard to anchoring vessels or there is other reason for removal, the mooring gear may be pulled and the permit holder billed for the cost. The Harbor Master shall store any removed mooring gear up to six (6) months. During that period of time, the owner may reclaim the equipment after payment of any expenses or fines as provided under Title 38 M.R.S.A. §4. Location and Waiting Lists: Within the limitations of Sections 3 and 6 of Title 38, the Harbor Master shall assign mooring locations and maintain a waiting list for mooring locations. Standards: All moorings shall be of sufficient size and weight with chain and rope in sound condition to properly secure the moored vessel and the float attached to the mooring line shall be of sufficient size and buoyancy to remain afloat when not attached to the vessel. Moorings shall comply with the Mooring Standards as set by the Harbor Master. The adequacy of each mooring set remains the responsibility of the individual boat owner. Standards set by the Town are minimum standards. Renewals and Abandoned Moorings: Any mooring not used by the vessel(s) named on the permit application for at least seven (7) days during the previous year may be refused a permit renewal if its presence is preventing applications for that mooring area from being approved or requiring new mooring installations to be placed in more exposed locations. All mooring gear is to be removed by the owner within two (2) weeks of permit expiration. Moorings without current permits may be removed by the Harbor Master as provided in Sec.10-5-5 of this Ordinance. Inspection: All moorings shall be inspected according to a schedule and procedures to be posted by the Harbor Master. Inspection shall be performed only by individuals or organizations authorized by the Harbor Master and written reports of all inspections must be submitted to the Harbor Master. The mooring permit holder shall be responsible for all costs associated with mooring inspections. Buoys: Mooring marker buoys shall be visible at all tides. Buoys shall be white with a blue stripe. Town Moorings: Any moorings placed by the Town of Cape Elizabeth in anyBharbor under the jurisdiction of the Town shall not be used for a period longer than twelve (12)Bhours by any vessel, except by permission of the Harbor Master. Subletting of Mooring Space: The owner of any vessel having mooring space shall not sublet said mooring or mooring space to another user or vessel owner; however, another vessel owner may use the mooring, provided the original owner pays CUMBERLAND A. General. No person may place or establish a mooring in the coastal and tidal waters of the Town except within designated mooring areas as described in and shown on the Coastal and Tidal Waters Plan; provided, however, that: (1) A riparian owner who is the master or owner of a watercraft may be assigned mooring fronting their land even though the mooring is not within a mooring area shown on the Plan, so long as the mooring does not encroach upon the natural channel or channels established in the Coastal and Tidal Waters Plan and provided that the riparian owner annually registers the mooring as provided in Subsection B of this section. (2) A riparian owner using a mooring or moorings fronting their land but not located within the mooring areas shown and described in the Plan of the Town as of the effective date of this chapter and Plan may be allowed to continue to use up to three such moorings at the same location, so long as the moorings do not encroach upon the natural channel or channels established in the Plan and provided the riparian owner informs the Harbormaster of the mooring location within one year from the effective date of this chapter and annually registers the moorings as provided by Subsection B of this section. (3) A property owner with a right-of-way (ROW) to the water is accorded the same rights and restrictions accorded to a riparian owner under Subsection A(1) and (2) above, except that the mooring(s) may be placed as conveniently as possible in front of the ROW and must not interfere with the reasonable placement or moorings allowed for riparian owners. Furthermore, should space be insufficient to meet demands, the number of moorings allowed for a ROW property owner in front of the ROW may be reduced to one. (4) The Town may permit a contractor to establish up to two moorings within the mooring field. These moorings are reserved for the contractor's exclusive use from January 1 until June 1 and from October 1 until December 31 for the purpose of tending Town and privately owned floats and moorings. From June 1 until September 30, the Town may use the floats as rental or transient moorings. The annual mooring fee is waived for these floats. The daily rental fee is established at § 84-12C. B. Assignment and location of moorings. (1) No person may moor a watercraft in any part of the coastal and tidal waters of the Town without first annually registering the watercraft and obtaining a mooring assignment specifying the location of the mooring. (2) No owner or master of any watercraft may permit their watercraft to be docked or moored in such a manner as to obstruct the free passage of other watercraft going to or from any wharf, pier, or other mooring in the Town. (3) Any mooring assignment in the coastal and tidal waters of the Town is governed by the following guidelines: (a) Application for a mooring must be made by March 15 of each year unless an applicant shows good cause why they could not apply by that date (as, for example, a person who acquires a boat or becomes a resident after March 15). A mooring assignment will be valid until December 31. Any renewal application made after March 15 will be subject to a late fee established by the Town Council and listed in § 84-12G. A person previously holding a mooring permit in the Broad Cove mooring field who fails to renew the mooring by March 15 loses the right to renew and must apply for a new mooring. (b) All persons applying for and receiving a mooring assignment must pay to the Town a fee as established by order of the Town Council. See § 84-12A and B. (c) If a person with an assigned mooring changes watercraft during the permit year, they must submit information regarding the change to the Harbormaster through approved means for review. If the characteristics of the mooring (block, chain, pennant) must be modified to accommodate the new watercraft, the notification should be made in advance of the change. If the mooring location needs to change, the notification and Harbormaster approval MUST precede any change. No new fees will be charged. The Harbormaster should be consulted if there are any questions. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any person using a mooring located within the mooring areas shown and described in the Plan of the Town as of the effective date of this chapter and Plan will be allowed to continue to use that mooring at the same location, so long as the mooring does not encroach upon the natural channel or channels established in the Plan, and provided that such person informs the Harbormaster of the location of the mooring within one year from the effective date of this chapter and annually registers the mooring as provided by this Subsection B. (4) In the event more mooring applications for the Broad Cove Reserve mooring field are received than there are available spaces, the Harbormaster may maintain a waiting list of all applicants who have not been assigned a mooring. Further, if a plan is amended and that revised plan provides for fewer moorings, the moorings available under the revised plan must be assigned to persons who had registered moorings at the time of amendment of the plan under this allocation system, except as otherwise provided by this chapter. Persons may add their names to the waiting list using the required process. This procedure must be posted in the Town Hall, and the waiting list must be a public document under the Freedom of Access Law. The waiting list must be maintained in chronological order of application, and any vacant space must be assigned to the first person on the waiting list, in accordance with the following priorities: (a) A riparian owner who is the owner or master of a watercraft and who is applying for a mooring assignment must receive the first vacancy available, and the mooring must be located fronting their property, provided that such location does not encroach upon the natural channel or channels established by the Plan. No more than one mooring may be assigned to any shorefront parcel of land under this priority, but this limitation may not prevent a riparian owner from receiving additional mooring assignments under this allocation system. (b) A homeowners' association member who has recorded rights to the shore through a deed, subdivision plan, or homeowners' association document. (c) A property owner with a ROW to the water is accorded the same rights and restrictions accorded to a riparian owner, except that the mooring(s) may be placed as conveniently as possible in front of the ROW and must not interfere with the reasonable placement of moorings allowed for riparian owners. (d) Any other resident or property owner of the Town. (e) Any person who does not meet the requirements of Subsection B(4)(a) through (d) above; however, if a waiting list is created, the next vacant space must be assigned to the first nonresident on the waiting list in accordance with the following priority: [1] If the principal use of the vessel is noncommercial and less than 10% of the assigned moorings in the mooring area are currently assigned to persons fitting this description, then to the first such person on the waiting list. [2] If the principal use of the vessel is commercial and less than 10% of the assigned moorings in the mooring area are currently assigned to persons fitting this description, then to the first such person on the waiting list. [3] If both nonresident noncommercial and nonresident commercial assignments are below 10% of the moorings and there are both types of applicants on the waiting list, the available space must be assigned to the first applicant in the category that is farthest below 10%. (5) The Harbormaster must maintain a record of each mooring assignment, including the location of assignment as well as the application information required by this chapter. These records must be retained as required by the state's records management process. (6) Mooring assignments are not transferable, and assignments must not be rented unless approved by the Harbormaster. (7) The Town reserves the right to reassign moorings each year to better use available space. C. Moorings. Moorings must consist of appropriately sized mushroom anchors, granite blocks, or helix moorings, connected to a surface buoy by a chain of appropriate size and length for the vessel, depth of water, and exposure to weather. Concrete blocks, engine blocks, and other "objects of convenience" are not allowed. The surface float must consist of a white mooring ball on which the name of the watercraft owner or master and mooring registration number is painted with at least three-inch-tall letters and numbers in a contrasting color. A pennant of suitable diameter and length completes the mooring assembly. Guidance for selecting the sizes of materials can be obtained from the Town website or from approved mooring services listed on the Town website. D. Inspections. (1) An approved mooring service must inspect and be satisfied that each mooring is in safe condition before it is placed in the mooring area. (2) Each mooring must be inspected every two years by a qualified mooring inspector. A list of qualified mooring inspectors may be obtained by contacting the Harbormaster. Inspection results must be reported to the Harbormaster within five working days and all deficiencies repaired within 30 days of the inspection. (3) The Harbormaster will, in accordance with Maine Revised Statutes, Chapter 5, Section 95-B, Local Government Records, maintain a file on each mooring, including the dates of inspection and the approved mooring service that inspected it. E. Winter spars. Winter spars cannot be installed before September 15 and must be attached by December 1 each year. They must be removed and replaced with the white ball by June 1. F. Removal of moorings. An owner who discontinues the use of a mooring is responsible for removing the mooring from the marine environment. The Town has the right to remove and dispose of any mooring, including unsafe, abandoned, unregistered, improperly identified and objects of convenience moorings at the owner's expense. The penalty for failing to remove and dispose of any mooring is described in § 84-12H. Disposition of any proceeds from removed moorings is governed by State Abandoned Property Law. [Amended 12-27-2021] G. An applicant receiving a mooring assignment within Broad Cove Reserve, effective on or after May 1, 2017, must install the mooring. Should a mooring not be installed by July 1, the applicant forfeits the mooring and may apply again in three years. A fee must be paid to cover the administrative expense of managing the reassignment process. The reassignment fee is specified in § 84-12D. HARPSWELL Mooring Registration and Regulations: Registration All moorings located below the lowest annual tide in waters of Harpswell shall be registered with the Town Clerk. For renewal moorings re-registered after May 1, a late fee will be added. Late fees are determined by the Board of Selectmen, as may be amended from time to time. Requirements for New and Renewal Mooring Registration Applicants for a new mooring registration must submit a completed application form to the Town Clerk on forms available in the Town Clerk’s Office. Applicants for a renewal mooring registration need only submit a new completed form to the Town Clerk if there are any changes to the registration from the prior year, including change of vessel, change of contact information, change of resident status or upon the Harbormaster’s request. A vessel or float registered and/or owned by the mooring applicant must accompany each mooring, unless a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers is acquired. In cases where a permit from ACOE has been acquired, the mooring may be registered as a Rental, Service, Guest or Float Mooring with approval from the Harbormaster. Requirements for New and Renewal Waiting List Registration Applicants for a new waiting list registration must submit a completed application form to the Town Clerk on forms available in the Town Clerk’s Office. Applicants for a renewal waiting list registration need only submit a new completed form to the Town Clerk if there are any changes to the registration from the prior year, including change of vessel, change of contact information, change of resident status or upon the Harbormaster’s request. Failure to renew a position on the waiting list shall result in losing seniority on the waiting list. Categories of Mooring Registration Resident /Non-Resident Taxpayer Non Resident Rental Mooring Float Mooring Service Mooring Guest Mooring Registration Fees The registration fee shall be in the amount determined by the Board of Selectmen in accordance with Title 38 M.R.S. § 7-A(2), as may be amended from time to time. The registration fee schedule shall be available at the Town Office. Waiting List Fee All waiting list fees are due by May 1, annually. The Waiting List Fee shall be in the amount determined by the Board of Selectmen as may be amended from time to time. Unregistered Moorings If any mooring that has not been previously registered is placed in Harpswell waters, the Harbormaster may have the mooring removed immediately at the expense of the person or persons responsible. If any renewal moorings in the waters of Harpswell are unregistered after May 1, the Town Clerk shall notify the owner. If registration is not completed within thirty (30) days of the date of notice, the Harbormaster may have the mooring removed at the expense of the mooring owner. Permit Numbers The issued permit number must be painted or burned onto the mooring buoy in a legible manner with numbers at least 3 inches tall. Mooring buoys without the mooring permit number properly displayed shall be considered abandoned. Assignment of Mooring Space: 1) A permitted mooring shall be assigned a location in Harpswell waters by the Harbormaster on a first-come first served basis as space permits with due regard to navigation and the safety of persons and property, and, where feasible, the prior year’s location. New mooring permits will not be issued for a mooring that is located more than one-half statute mile from the applicant’s point of land access in Harpswell. 2) If there is insufficient space to assign allocations for all registered moorings in the location requested, the harbor will be considered closed. The applications not assigned mooring locations shall be placed on a waiting list which will be maintained by the Town Clerk, posted and available for inspection in the Town Office. 3) Any applicant who completes re-registration by May 1, of any year shall be given preference for the location occupied by the registrant’s mooring the prior year, unless the Harbormaster determines that a demonstrated need for that location has been shown by someone higher on the list of priorities in Section 5.2.4 below. In such an event, after consultation with the original registrant, the Harbormaster will provide a new location and relocate the mooring, in the same condition it was in at its original location, at the expense of the new mooring owner being assigned the original registrant’s location. 4) As space in closed Harbors and Anchorages of the waters of Harpswell becomes available, assignments of mooring locations shall be made from the waiting list in accordance with the terms of Title 38 M.R.S. § 7-A(2), as may be amended from time to time, on the basis of the date of the applicant’s request and with the following priorities: 5) Shorefront Owner with respect to an initial location adjacent to the owner’s shore frontage, including owners of lawfully created lots who, prior to January 1, 1987, owned shore rights of at least 100 feet of frontage regardless of the size of the lot; a) Resident Commercial Fishermen b) Resident Marine Related Business c) Resident Recreational d) Non-Resident Taxpayer e) Non-Resident Commercial Fishermen f) Non-Resident Marine Related Business g) Non-Resident Recreational Mooring Inspection Required Moorings shall be inspected not less than once every three years. The owner of the mooring shall provide evidence of inspection, or proof of current vessel insurance, or sign a mooring safety statement form indicating that the mooring is in safe and operable condition as inspected by the mooring owner and in accordance with suggested industry standards. (Industry standard suggestions may be obtained from the Harbormaster’s office). Signature on a mooring safety statement form indicating that the mooring will not be used until the mooring can be made safe and operable will also be considered sufficient for that renewal period. The mooring owner is responsible for the adequacy and performance of all mooring gear, tackle, and maintenance thereof. The Harbormaster has the authority to inspect at any time any mooring and to require any necessary maintenance or replacement of parts or the whole mooring, tackle and/or gear, for which the mooring owner shall be responsible for all costs incurred. Failure to maintain a safe and adequate mooring may result in civil penalties and loss of the mooring permit. The Town of Harpswell assumes no liability whatsoever for the actual performance or adequacy of any mooring system employed by a mooring owner. Rental Moorings No mooring shall be used as a rental mooring without first registering it with the Town and obtaining a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. An alternate numbering system may be used by the rental mooring owner if approved by the Harbormaster. Float Moorings Float moorings shall be registered with the Town and be permitted by the Army Corps of Engineers. Float moorings shall only be used for their permitted purposes. Guest Moorings Guest moorings shall be registered with the Town and be permitted by the Army Corp of Engineers. Guest moorings shall only be used for their permitted purposes. Haul-Off Moorings No haul-off mooring shall be placed within 100 feet of any public boat launch, dock, pier, wharf or other publically owned property without approval from the Harbormaster. Any haul-off mooring interfering with the ingress or egress of any publically owned boat launch, dock, pier, wharf or other publically owned property, after notification by the Harbormaster, will result in the removal of the haul-off, at cost to the owner. Transfer of Moorings Mooring gear may be sold or transferred at the discretion of the owner. However, the mooring location or assignment may not be bought, sold, or otherwise transferred unless it is a transfer of a mooring assignment used for commercial fishing purposes. A mooring assignment used for commercial fishing purposes may be only be transferred as follows: a) at the request or death of the assignee; b) to a member of the assignee’s family; and c) if the mooring assignment will be continued to be used for commercial fishing. For the purposes of this subsection, “member of the assignee’s family” means an assignee’s parent, child, or sibling by birth or by adoption, including a relation of half-blood or an assignee’s spouse. The Harbormaster shall be notified of transfers for commercial fishing purposes within thirty (30) days of the transfer. Relocation of Moorings When any mooring within the waters of Harpswell is located such that hazard to other property is inherent due to its position, the Harbormaster shall arrange for the relocation of the mooring or moorings involved whenever he is notified of the hazard. Any expense to the Town relating to the relocation of moorings shall be reimbursed by the owners. Removal of Abandoned Moorings When the Harbormaster has determined that a mooring is abandoned, he shall so tag the mooring buoy. He shall record the date of the determination, location of the mooring and, if possible, the name of the owner in his records. He shall notify the owner of the abandonment and order the owner to remove the mooring within fifteen (15) days of the date of the notice. If the mooring is not removed, the mooring buoy appropriately marked or re-registered within the applicable fifteen (15) day period, it may be removed or dropped by the Harbormaster at the expense or the owner in accordance with the provisions of Title 38 M.R.S. § 4, as may be amended from time to time. Nothing in this Section shall impede enforcement (Section 8.1.7) or collection of penalties (Section 8.2). FREEPORT 1. Registration: Persons desiring to place moorings in the Harraseeket River anchorage shall apply for mooring assignments each year. During or before January of each year, the Harbormaster shall notify each person who received a mooring assignment the previous year and in fact used this assignment for its prescribed use, and any other applicants who have asked to receive a mooring application, that completed applications shall be returned to the Harbormaster by the applicant no later than March 1st of that year. Applications shall be made on the electronic form provided by the Harbormaster. Paper applications may be made available upon request. Mooring Applications which are between one (1) and seven (7) days late will be assessed a late fee, as established by the Town Council. Persons may request a waitlist application at any time, however each applicant must renew their application each year between January 1st and March 31st. Any person who fails to renew their waitlist application will be removed from the list. The burden of proof in determining residence, legitimacy of business usage, principal use of a vessel or any issues of adequacy of design or construction, shall be upon the applicant. There shall be a maximum of three hundred fifty (350) moorings, not including flats moorings, located in the Harraseeket River anchorage. The Harbormaster shall decide on the number of moorings applicable in all Freeport tidal waters taking into consideration the concerns of area residents, the ease of access to moorings and any other applicable factors. a. Persons desiring to place moorings anywhere in the anchorage of the Town of Freeport, excluding the Harraseeket River anchorage, shall complete a mooring application. Information relative to the application shall be followed as required by section 1 above, Registration. This article does not apply to boats eight (8) feet or under that are not on a permanent mooring. 2. Termination: All persons who had been assigned a mooring the entire previous year whose mooring assignment is to be terminated by the Harbormaster for reasons of non-compliance with the Coastal Waters Ordinance or any other reason shall receive written notification from the Harbormaster no later than January 31. This notice shall state the fact of termination and the reason for termination, and inform the applicant of his/her right to appeal the decision of the Harbormaster to the Coastal Waters Commission as prescribed in Article XI below. 3. Mooring Assignment Application: Each application shall contain the following: (a) The applicant's name (or applicants’ names in the event the mooring assignment is to be held jointly by spouses), complete address, home telephone number, place of employment and work telephone number; (b) The boat name, State or Federal registration number, the vessel identification number, the engine number, name and address of boat owner(s); (c) The type of boat, i.e. sail, power, inboard or outboard; (d) Length of boat and hull configuration, i.e. deep keel, shallow draft; (e) If the boat is less than twenty feet (20') in length, the type of mooring desired, temporary or permanent; (f) Name, address and telephone number of person who will set, service and inspect the mooring; (g) The signature or electronic signature of the applicant and date of application; (h) Payment of the appropriate fee. (i) Consent from the applicant allowing the Harbormaster, at any time the boat is occupied, to board and inspect any tanks, valves, pumps and lines, including but not limited to, “Y” valves and electric systems such as Electra San, to insure such tanks, valves, systems, etc. are not set in a position that would allow the discharge of sanitary wastes into a Freeport anchorage. 4. Fees: All fees shall follow the fee schedule established by the Town Council. The Coastal Waters Commission shall review fees at least once every two years and may make recommendations for adjustments to the Town Council. 5. Mooring Assignment: All persons who received and used a mooring assignment in the previous year, and whose mooring application was received in a complete and timely fashion, will receive a mooring assignment for the current year on March 15 of that year, unless a delay is announced due to a change in law, environment, etc. After March 16 the Harbormaster will award any remaining mooring assignments to persons who have been on the waiting list. The Harbormaster and the Coastal Waters Commission will maintain a balance of not less than ten percent (10%) non-resident mooring assignments. At all times the following priority order shall be maintained: (1) Resident Commercial Fisherman; (2) Resident/Recreational; (3) Commercial Passenger Boat (4) Resident Commercial Marine Enterprise; (5) Non-Resident Commercial Fisherman; (6) Non-Resident Commercial Marine Enterprise; (7) Non-Resident Recreational; (8) Resident Subsequent; (9) Non-Resident Subsequent. In any one year not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of new mooring assignments shall be assigned to non-recreational applicants. 6. Waiting List: The Harbormaster shall maintain one chronological waiting list with complete application information of all applicants who have applied for but not received a mooring assignment. Persons desiring a place on the waiting list may apply at any time by making out a mooring application form and filing it with the Harbormaster. The list shall be in eight sections, each section in chronological order as to when the application was received with recreational applications being limited to natural persons: (1) Resident Commercial Fisherman; (2) Resident/Recreational; (3) Resident Commercial Marine Enterprise; (4) Non-Resident Commercial Fisherman; (5) Non-Resident Commercial Marine Enterprise; (6) Non-Resident Recreational; (7) Resident Subsequent; (8) Non-Resident Subsequent. A copy of this waiting list, composed of all information required in Article V Section 3 of this Ordinance, shall be posted in the Town Office and shall be provided to all members of the Coastal Waters Commission, and made available for any Commercial Marine Enterprise or any others who request a copy. 7. Numbers: (a) Marinas shall be assigned a total of not more than 15 mooring assignments each. These may not be located in the Commercial zone without approval by the Harbormaster. If any of these moorings shall be rented they shall be considered rental moorings. (b) Yacht Clubs in existence as of January 1, 1999 shall be allowed not more that 4 (four) mooring assignments each. (c) All other categories listed in Article V.5 (I)-(II) may apply for one mooring assignment each. Applicants desiring more than one mooring assignment must apply to the Coastal Waters Commission and prove need. 8. Leasing: All mooring assignments (with the exception of Marina Rental Moorings) shall be used exclusively for the personal use of the applicant solely for the boat listed in the application. No leasing, subleasing, or assignment of moorings or mooring numbers shall be allowed. 9. Abandonment of Assignment: The Harbormaster shall deem abandoned any mooring assignments substantially unused by the applicant for their vessel for a period of more than one season. Subsequent application for a mooring number assignment by that person must be in accordance with the procedure outlined for new applications, including placement in chronological sequence on the waiting list. 10. Placement: The Harbormaster shall develop a plan for the placement of moorings in the Harraseeket River anchorage. They shall annually assign locations to each mooring and ensure placement in the correct location. All moorings not located in the correct location shall be moved by the owner at their own expense in accordance with the instructions of the Harbormaster. In the event of the failure of the owner to comply with these instructions, the Harbormaster shall move or remove the improperly located mooring and the cost shall be borne by the owner of the relocated mooring. Resident commercial fishing vessel owners who request a place in the Commercial zone shall have their moorings assigned there by the Harbormaster as soon as possible. 11. Construction: (a) After April 1, 1987, all moorings in the Harraseeket River anchorage for boats in excess of twenty (20) feet shall be permanent moorings. (b) Boats under twenty (20) feet in length may be placed upon temporary moorings. (c) All mooring construction and placement, in the Harraseeket River anchorage of the Town of Freeport, must be approved by the Harbormaster. 12. Construction Standards in the Harraseeket River Anchorage: The mooring owner is responsible for the adequacy of all mooring gear, tackle and maintenance. (a) All permanent moorings shall comply with the following minimum specifications throughout the anchorage. (1) Each permanent mooring shall consist of a granite block or helix with heavy steel bottom chain attached to a lighter top chain, mooring buoy and a nylon pennant. Nylon or synthetic material as approved by the Harbormaster, may be substituted for the top chain. (2) All granite blocks shall be constructed of solid granite with steel staples or eyebolt extending completely through the block. Cement blocks, old engines and other miscellaneous weighted objects are unacceptable as mooring anchors in the harbor. (3) The mooring scope shall be approximately two times the water depth at maximum high water. Total scope shall include bottom chain and top chain together, each of which shall consist of approximately half the total length. (4) Each mooring must have at least one swivel, which must be placed above the top chain. All swivels and shackles must be larger than the chain diameter. All shackles and swivel pins shall be properly seized. All eyes in the nylon rode shall be fitted with appropriate size thimbles. Pennants connecting the mooring buoy to the moored boat shall be fastened to the lower eye of the mooring buoy and shall consist of nylon line equal to 1 1/2 to 2 times the freeboard at the bow of the boat. (5) Mooring tackle shall meet the following minimum: Up to 20' As approved by the Harbormaster. Registered Boat length (ft) Granite Block(lb) Bottom Chain Chain/Top Rode Nylon 20 - 25 2000 1/2 3/8 5/8 25 - 35 2500 1/2 3/8 5/8 35 - 40 3000 3/4 1/2 3/4 40 + As approved by the Harbormaster (6) Standards for helix moorings are the same as for other types. (7) Despite dimension standards established herein, any part of a mooring showing excessive wear or any mooring or gear, which does not meet with the Harbormaster’s approval, shall not be permitted. (8 All moorings shall be white in color with a blue horizontal stripe, be at least 18 inches in diameter, and show 2/3 above the water at all times. This device will be marked with owner’s name and permit number in a manageable and legible manner. (9) All moorings shall be of appropriate size and design for the largest size boat likely to be placed thereon. (10) Wire cable will not be allowed in the anchorage. (11) Old discarded moorings, mooring chain and related items must be removed from the anchorage. (b) Temporary Moorings: (1) The design and construction of all temporary moorings shall be approved by the Harbormaster prior to placement in the water and shall be of either mushroom or Dor-Mor construction. (2) Hand mixed cement blocks, old engines, and other miscellaneous weighted objects are unacceptable as mooring anchors in the harbor. (c) Winter: (1) Wooden spars and hard plastic net buoys may not be used in the Harraseeket River anchorage. Floating rope may be used, but must be counterweighted to prevent excess rope from floating on the surface. Temporary winter mooring items must be approved by the Harbormaster and may not be set before October 15 and must be removed by May 1 each year. Winter hardware remaining in the water after May 1 shall be removed by the Harbormaster at the expense of the owner and an appropriate fine levied in accordance with Article X, Item 3. (2) Pennants must be removed no later than December 21st. 13. Setting: (a) No temporary mooring shall be set before sunrise on the first working day in April without the express consent of the Harbormaster. (b) If the applicant who has received a mooring assignment disposes of the boat on that mooring, he or she shall notify the Harbormaster whether the boat will be replaced or the mooring is no longer needed. 14. Inspection: (a) The Harbormaster or their appointed deputy shall inspect and approve or be otherwise satisfied that each mooring is in safe condition before it is placed in the anchorage. (b) Every second year permanent moorings in the Harraseeket River anchorage shall be inspected at the owner’s expense and a report submitted to the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster has the authority to require any necessary maintenance or replacement of parts or the whole mooring, tackle and/or gear. (c) The Harbormaster shall maintain a file on each mooring, listing the date of the last inspection and the name of the person who last inspected it. 15. Anchoring: (a) Boats may anchor only in those areas and for the length of time permitted in writing by the Harbormaster. (b) The owner or operator of a boat desiring to anchor must provide a signed consent allowing the Harbormaster, at any time the boat is occupied, to board and inspect any tanks, valves, pumps and lines, including, but not limited to “Y” valves and electric systems such as Electra San, to insure such tanks, valves, systems, etc. are not set in a position that would allow the discharge of sanitary wastes into a Freeport anchorage. 16. Other Floating Objects: No mooring in this harbor shall be utilized to secure any floating object other than a single boat without express written permission of the Coastal Waters Commission. The term "boat" as used in this subsection shall include mooring derricks. (a) Houseboats whether temporary or permanent are prohibited from mooring or anchoring in the Coastal Waters of the Town of Freeport except at marinas, which provide the following: 1) A permanent float, dock or slip from which the houseboat may be directly boarded from land; 2) Connection to a public water supply by means of an individual anti-back flow valve; 3) A sewer connection to a public sewage system; 4) A year-round, all weather supply of electricity; 5) Parking as required by the codes and ordinances of the Town of Freeport; (b) All lobster floats in the Harraseeket River shall be subject to the approval of the Harbormaster. Maximum size float size will be six hundred forty (640) Square feet and will required to have no less than two (2) moorings, one fore and aft. Mooring weight and tackle will be determined by the minimum mooring requirements. If boats are tied to these floats, then the mooring requirements will be greater than the minimum standards as determined by the Harbormaster. 17. Flats mooring: Vessels drawing less than six inches unladen, and other vessels with the express permission of the Harbormaster, may utilize a flats mooring. Flats moorings shall be located and built of such construction as the Harbormaster may approve. They shall be marked by some system to be determined by the Harbormaster so as to be readily identifiable by him. These moorings shall not be included within the three hundred fifty (350) mooring limitation contained in Article V, Section 1 above. 18. Ownership: Nothing in this Chapter conveys any property rights in a mooring assignment in the Harraseeket River anchorage. A transfer of a commercial mooring may be made to family members by request at the death of the person holding the mooring. If unassigned, the mooring assignment reverts to the town and shall be assigned to the next eligible person. If a case should arise where a person holding a resident/recreational mooring assignment requests a change to commercial, and then requests a change back to resident/recreational, the request shall be granted. A husband and wife may hold any mooring in common. 19. Residency Status and Fees: If a person who holds a valid mooring assignment changes residency status, whether from resident to non-resident or from non-resident to resident, he/she is expected to notify the Harbormaster immediately. In the case of change from resident to non- resident, the Harbormaster will make a determination about fee increase. In the case of non- resident to resident, there will be no remission of fees. Failure to accurately report resident or non-resident status will be considered fraud, and will be subject to penalties under Article X of this ordinance as well as immediate forfeiture of the mooring assignment after notice and hearing. GEORGETOWN Registration of Moorings: A. Initial Application: Application forms for new mooring permits may be requested from the office of the Town Clerk. A completed application form, together with a non-refundable $50 application fee, should be submitted to the office of the Town Clerk. New permit applications will be reviewed by the Harbormaster within forty-five days of receipt. Applications will be either approved, with conditions placed on the permit if the Harbormaster deems them appropriate; denied; or, in the case of an application for a mooring location in an area of the harbor where no space is currently available, placed on the official waiting list for mooring assignment. The mooring permit will be issued upon approval of the application and payment of the appropriate annual fee. B. Renewal: Annual mooring renewal fees become due on January 1st of each year and must be paid on or before April 30th of that year. A fee double the original fee shall be imposed for payments received between May 1st and May 31st. Mooring renewal fees not paid on or before May 31st will no longer be accepted and mooring privileges will be revoked, the mooring ball will be removed and the tackle dropped or the mooring tackle removed at the owner’s expense so the mooring space can be reassigned. C. Annual Fees: The fee for residents of Georgetown is $15 for each mooring. The fee for non-residents is $40 for each mooring. The fee for a mooring permitted for rental use is $40. VI Rules Governing Moorings, Mooring Locations, and Anchoring A. All moorings that have been approved will be assigned specific locations with GPS coordinates. These coordinates will be recorded by the Harbormaster, with a copy maintained at the Town Office. Moorings will be given numbers that shall be prominently and permanently displayed on their buoys. Failure to display the number on the buoy may result in the number being affixed and the owner charged a $25 fee, to be added to the following year’s renewal fee. B. Only active moorings shall be permitted. Any mooring that is currently registered but not used pursuant to its permit within a twelve-month period shall no longer be permitted and shall be removed. C. The Harbormaster may require mooring owners to move their mooring to aid in establishment of an efficient mooring plan, to establish navigational channels, and/or to provide more adequate clearances among vessels. Notice will be given pursuant to 38 MRSA §§ 4 and 5 if such relocation becomes necessary. D. Anchoring in Georgetown waters is permitted for a period of up to two weeks, after which time permission from the Harbormaster is required. E. Mooring Assignment 1. Except as provided in subsection 2, mooring privileges shall be granted on application to the Harbormaster on a first-come, first-served basis. 2. When the number of applications exceeds the number of available mooring spaces in an area of the harbor, the Harbormaster shall assign mooring spaces as they become available from a waiting list, pursuant to the requirements of 38 MRSA § 3. 3. a. The Harbormaster shall maintain a waiting list of any applicants who have not been assigned moorings and post that list in the Town Office. The list shall be used to assist the Harbormaster in assigning moorings when he determines that space has become available. The list shall show the applicant’s name, residency status, use status (commercial or non-commercial), location preference, and date of application. Except as provided in 38 MRSA § 3, assignments shall be made in the chronological order received in accordance with the following priorities: 1) Vessel owners who are owners of waterfront parcels of land, who are entitled to one mooring in the harbor area adjacent to their land. (2) Resident commercial vessel owners. (3) Resident non-commercial vessel owners. (4) Non-resident non-commercial vessel owners. (5) Vessel owners with multiple mooring locations. b. If less than ten percent of the currently assigned non-commercial moorings in the Town’s waterways are held by non-residents, then the next available mooring shall be assigned to the first applicant on the waiting list meeting that description. If less than ten percent of the currently assigned commercial moorings in the Town’s waterways are held by non- residents, then the next available mooring shall be assigned to the first applicant on the waiting list meeting that description. If both non-resident non-commercial and non- resident commercial are allocated less than the required ten percent, the next available mooring shall be assigned to the first applicant on the waiting list from whichever group has the lowest percentage. Usage of all moorings, including rental moorings, shall be counted in the tabulation of the ten percent requirements. F. Mooring permits are not transferable, except that commercial fishermen may transfer mooring permits to members of their immediate family for continued use for commercial fishing, pursuant to 38 MRSA § 3-A. G. Except for rental and guest moorings, a mooring shall be permitted only to the registered owner(s) of the vessel listed on the permit. H. Multiple use of moorings: The Harbormaster shall facilitate the multiple use of moorings in the harbor in order to maximize the use of the limited space available. 1. Temporary use of a permitted mooring: With the written permission of the permitted mooring holder, the Harbormaster may issue a written authorization for a vessel belonging to an individual, or for a vessel in the care, custody, or control of a commercial entity, to occupy temporarily an unoccupied permitted mooring, subject to any provisions he deems appropriate. 2. Occasional use of a permitted mooring: The use of a mooring by a vessel other than the vessel listed on the permit, for a period not to exceed five days per calendar year, shall not require specific permission of the Harbormaster but shall require all of the following: a. the permission of the permitted mooring holder; and b. that the vessel’s length is no greater than that of the vessel listed on the permit; and c. if the vessel is a commercial vessel, it must be registered or documented to aGeorgetown Resident. I. Moorings shall at all times be maintained in a safe condition, in accordance with the provisions of the Mooring Permit. Failure by the permit holder to do so will result, after notification, in revocation of the permit. J. For purposes of identification, mooring balls or pick-up floats shall have their assigned permit numbers visibly displayed. K. Removal of abandoned moorings: When the Harbormaster determines that a mooring is abandoned; he shall tag the mooring ball as non-compliant and subject to removal in 30 days. In accordance with 38 MRSA § 4, the mooring ball may be removed and the tackle dropped. L. Rental moorings: No mooring shall be used as a rental mooring unless it is registered as such with the Town of Georgetown and the registered owner has a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers. M. Persons setting non permitted moorings will be given 14 days to remove the mooring tackle or it will be cut and dropped by the Harbormaster. KENNEBUNK Moorings: A. Anchorages. No person shall place or allow to anchor or to lay any vessel in any position in Kennebunkport waters for more than 72 hours unless written permission has been granted by the Harbor Master. The Harbor Master may designate a specific area available as a general anchoring area. B. Designation of mooring sites. (1) The Harbor Master shall designate mooring sites in accordance with 38 M.R.S.A. § 3, as amended. Mooring sites shall be permitted for the sole use of the vessel indicated on the application. Any change in the vessel using the mooring site must be in accordance with this article and state law and have the written approval of the Harbor Master. (2) The Harbor Master shall have the authority to determine the total number of allowed moorings based on available mooring sites. The Harbor Master may consult with the Board of Selectmen and any other appropriate authority to determine mooring areas and their capacity. Commercial moorings shall comprise at least 60% of the total number of mooring sites within Cape Porpoise Harbor. If an existing commercial mooring becomes available within Cape Porpoise Harbor, it may not be assigned for use as a recreational or transient mooring if such assignment would cause the number of commercial moorings to constitute less than 60% of the total number of available mooring sites within Cape Porpoise Harbor. Mooring sites outside of Cape Porpoise Harbor may be designated commercial, recreational, or transient at the discretion of the Harbor Master. (3) The Harbor Master may change the location of assigned mooring sites when the crowded condition of the harbor, the need to conform with 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 3 and 7-A, or other conditions render the change desirable. C. Mooring permit. (1) Application. (a) Application for a mooring permit shall be made annually and shall contain the information set forth on the application. The applicant must demonstrate that the applicant is the vessel owner of the vessel associated with the mooring. An application will not be processed unless it is complete, the payment of required fees, including excise taxes or other taxes or charges owed to the Town of Kennebunkport, or its agent, is made prior to May 1 and there is a current mooring inspection certification on file with the Harbor Master. At the time of each annual review of mooring permits, existing mooring permittees shall be given priority over other applications for a mooring. (b) The Harbor Master shall deny any application where incorrect information is submitted, where outstanding Kennebunkport pier use fees or fuel fees are owed to the Town, or where an applicant is not in compliance with this article. (2) Waiting list. (a) The Harbor Master shall maintain a mooring permit waiting list and a mooring relocation waiting list, each of which shall be available for inspection at the Harbor Master's office. The operation of all waiting lists shall conform to 38 M.R.S.A. § 7-A, as amended. (b) All persons desiring mooring space in Kennebunkport waters shall place their name and the type of mooring desired on the mooring permit waiting list. All mooring permittees desiring a different mooring site shall place their names and their desired mooring location on the mooring relocation waiting list. A fee may be charged to be placed on the mooring permit waiting list which shall be applied against the mooring permit fee as a credit the year the mooring is placed. (c) The mooring permit waiting list will be operated on a first-come, first-served basis, priority being given as stated below: [1] Commercial fishing vessel owners. [2] Shorefront property owners. [3] Recreational vessel owners. [4] Transient moorings to be operated by the Town of Kennebunkport. [5] Transient moorings to be operated by any other person. (d) Waiting list members must renew their waiting list application annually to retain placement on the waiting list. All information such as vessel type, and length, residency status, as well as contact information, must be updated by the person on the list. [Added 6-11-2019] (e) The mooring relocation waiting list will be operated on a first-come, first-served basis. The Harbor Master shall attempt to accommodate any request for a relocated mooring site when, in the Harbor Master's discretion, conditions do not render the relocation undesirable, and the relocation is consistent with (3) To whom issued. A recreational mooring permit shall only be issued to the vessel owner, and a commercial mooring permit shall only be issued to an officer or principal of the commercial fisheries business. A transient mooring permit shall be issued to the person who will maintain and operate the transient mooring. (4) Conversion. A mooring shall not be converted from the class of mooring originally permitted if such conversion would be inconsistent with § 61-14B. D. Mooring identification. All moorings shall have the number of the mooring permittee indicated on the float or buoy above the waterline for the purposes of identification. Such number and name shall be displayed in at least three-inch letters and be legible at all times. Mooring buoys shall be white with a single blue horizontal band clearly visible above the waterline. E. Placement of moorings. No person shall place a mooring of any type within the boundaries of Kennebunkport waters without a mooring permit issued by the Town of Kennebunkport's Harbor Master. F. Size and construction. All moorings shall be of a suitable size and construction for the vessel. Mushroom or pyramid anchors are recommended, unless the owner can demonstrate holding power adequate for his boat. Blocks are permitted; however, they may only be granite; concrete or cement blocks are not allowed. The weight of the mooring anchor shall conform to the requirements of either the chart or formulas below. Chain size shall conform to the chart below, regardless of whether the weight conforms to the chart or formulas below. (see actual ordinance for details) G. Inspection of moorings. The Board of Selectmen shall have the authority to approve regulations to establish a program requiring the inspection of moorings. H. Denial. The Harbor Master may deny the replacement or use of a mooring if, in the judgment of the Harbor Master, the vessel is: (1) Structurally unsafe; (2) Emitting obnoxious fumes, oils, or any other substance detrimental to the safety o comfort of others, including any pollution of its waters, shores and flats; (3) Of inappropriate size for the mooring; or (4) Causing damage to Town-owned waterfront facilities. I. Nonuse of moorings. If a mooring permittee fails to use the assigned mooring site or mooring for the vessel listed on the current mooring permit during the term (June 1 to May 31) of that permit, the mooring permit shall not be renewed. A mooring permittee may appeal such nonrenewal to the Board of Selectmen pursuant to § 61-20 of this article. J. Mooring assignments. (1) There shall be no transfer of a mooring permit or an assigned mooring site and no renting of a recreational or commercial mooring, except for good cause with the prior written approval of the Harbor Master and, if otherwise required by law, the Army Corps of Engineers, or as otherwise noted in this article. Municipal and commercial transient moorings are permitted to be rented. (2) A mooring permittee shall promptly notify the Harbor Master of a proposed change of vessel on a recreational or commercial mooring. Such change of vessel shall be permitted only with the prior written approval of the Harbor Master. (3) Any assigned mooring site used for commercial fishing purposes may be transferred only at the request or death of the permittee, and only to a member of the permittee's family and only if the mooring assignment will continue to be used for commercial purposes. For the purpose of this section, "member of the permittee's family" means a permittee's parent, child, or sibling, by birth or by adoption, including a relation of the half blood or an assignee's spouse. OGUNQUIT Mooring regulations. For the purpose of this chapter, the following mooring regulations shall be observed: A. The mooring and anchoring of all watercraft in Perkins Cove shall be governed, regulated and controlled by the municipality in accordance with the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 2 to 9, as amended, and the Local Cooperation Agreement (LCA) between the municipality and the Department of the Army acting through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the same being attached to this chapter as Appendix III. The Municipal Officers only shall establish rules and regulations governing the public use of the waters of Perkins Cove. B. The mooring of watercraft shall be restricted to those areas so designated by the Municipal Officers, in accordance with 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 2 and 3, as amended. All moorings set or placed within the inner harbor of Perkins Cove, that being upriver or inland of the existing Perkins Cove footbridge, shall conform to these regulations. C. Specific mooring sites shall be assigned by the Harbormaster. D. The physical site of each mooring and the material, such as line, chain, fasteners, and other like items, must be approved by the Harbormaster prior to the installation and mooring of any watercraft. Compliance with such mooring specifications does not guarantee the safety of the mooring nor does it create any liability on the part of the Harbormaster or the municipality. E. As of June 1, 1996, boats of permanent mooring holders equipped with tuna stands longer than 10 feet must have a means of retraction. If there is a complaint to the Harbormaster, the stand must be retracted when in the waters of Perkins Cove. [Amended 6-6-1995 Select Board] F. Only a single watercraft may be tied to a single mooring at any one time. Should the mooring holder wish to replace his or her watercraft, the replacement must comply with the pertinent size regulations cited in § 91-4 of this chapter and must have the Harbormaster's written approval of the replacement prior to its being moored or anchored in Perkins Cove. G. Each mooring is allowed one nonmotorized tender or dinghy, which shall have the owner's name placed thereon. [Amended 6-6-1995 Select Board] H. Existing mooring assignment holders shall retain their mooring priority until such time as a holder fails to pay the required mooring fees, voluntarily surrenders the mooring, or fails to comply with the mooring regulations contained within this chapter. I. In that instance when a mooring assignment holder sells or otherwise disposes of his or her watercraft, so long as the holder's annual mooring fees are current, he or she shall have a one-year grace period in which to replace the watercraft with one that likewise meets the size limitations dictated by this chapter. After a year's grace period, if the same watercraft or one of similar size is not placed back on the leased mooring by June 1 of the next year, the mooring will become forfeited and open to the mooring waiting list applicant. J. There shall be two mooring waiting lists: small boat (25 feet or less) and large boat (26 feet or greater). Within each list there shall be two categories: commercial and noncommercial. Mooring vacancies shall be filled from the appropriate mooring waiting list on a first-come, first-serve basis, based on filing date of the application(s). [Amended 6-4-2011 ATM] (1) Upon refusal of an offered mooring, an applicant who wishes to remain on the mooring waiting list will be required to pay another filing fee and will have his/her name placed at the bottom of the appropriate mooring waiting list. (2) To upgrade from a small boat mooring to a large boat mooring, the applicant's name will be placed at the bottom of the large boat mooring waiting list. K. Mooring assignments shall be available in the following priorities: commercial and noncommercial/recreation. [Amended 6-14-2011 ATM] (1) Failure to demonstrate commercial activity will result in the loss of the mooring lease and that mooring loss will be at the discretion of the Harbormaster and will include a period of time (one year) for the mooring holder to come into compliance. Any mooring leaseholder must provide appropriate licenses and business plan, and/or other documentation sufficient to prove commercial activity, to the Harbormaster, upon request. Loss of mooring lease may be first appealed to the Harbor Committee with further appeal made to the Select Board. (2) Commercial mooring holders must demonstrate commercial activity every year for a period of 10 years in order to maintain the mooring lease and its commercial status. (3) After a period of 10 years of proven continuous commercial activity, the commercial mooring leaseholder may, at his/her discretion, opt to discontinue commercial mooring activity and still retain the mooring under a recreational/noncommercial status without the rights and privileges of a commercial mooring lease. L. As a means of defraying costs for the administration of this chapter and the maintenance of floats, bulkheads, pilings, and other public structures in, around and associated with Perkins Cove, each mooring holder shall be charged an annual fee based upon the length of the moored watercraft in linear feet, each fraction of a foot to be rounded up to the next foot. It is the responsibility of the mooring holders to provide proof of ownership of a watercraft assigned to a specific mooring. Ownership must be proved at the time of application for a mooring permit. Such fees shall be set from time to time by the Municipal Officers and shall be attached as an appendix to this chapter.3 (1) Holder or owner of mooring assignment. The holder of each mooring assignment shall be a single individual, irrespective of whether title to or ownership in the watercraft is held in joint names or in a corporate name. In the event that title to or ownership in watercraft is held by a corporation, partnership or limited liability company, the holder of the mooring assignment shall be an individual who shall have no less than a 51% ownership interest in the corporation, partnership or limited liability company, as the case may be. (2) Transfer of commercial mooring assignment; watercraft used exclusively for commercial fishing or commercial tours. In the event of the death, retirement or at the request of a mooring assignment holder for watercraft used for commercial fishing or commercial tours, as defined, the mooring assignment may be transferred only to a member of the holder's family and only if the watercraft will continue to be used for commercial fishing or commercial tours, subject to the one-year grace period limitation. The term "member of the holder's family" shall mean a holder's spouse, parent, child or sibling, by birth or by adoption, including a relation of half-blood. M. Annual mooring bills are mailed in January of each year, payment due May 31 of that same year. Mooring payments not being made by December 31 of the same year will result in forfeiture of mooring. N. Should a mooring holder cause his or her watercraft to be absent from the assigned mooring for a period of time exceeding 48 consecutive hours, the mooring holder shall notify the Harbormaster, who then may offer the mooring for overnight use to a visiting watercraft. The fees for such temporary accommodations shall be established by the Municipal Officers and included in the mooring fees appendix. O. Winter mooring may be granted to commercial fisherman, at the discretion of the Harbormaster. Fees for such use shall be established by the Municipal Officers and shall be included in the mooring fees appendix. [Amended 6-6-1995 Select Board] P. The Harbormaster shall have full authority to shift boats from different mooring locations within the cove, when deemed necessary. [Amended 6-14-2011 ATM] SACO Moorings and buoys. A. Assignment of moorings. (1) No mooring shall be set within City waters except by permission of the Harbor Master. Any person wishing to place a mooring in City waters or to relocate an existing mooring shall request such permission in advance from the Harbor Master. Annually, the Harbor Master shall prepare an updated list of approved mooring holders and provide it to the City Clerk by January 1. Only applicants appearing on the current approved mooring holders list may submit a mooring permit application to the City Clerk. Following acceptance of the application by the City Clerk and the payment of the appropriate fee, and provided the conditions in Subsection B(7) are met, the Harbor Master shall then assign a location for such mooring and shall advise the applicant concerning the requirements of these rules and regulations. (2) In the assignment of moorings, the Harbor Master shall, insofar as the same may be done consistently with these rules and regulations and with due regard for the safety of other vessels and of navigation, give consideration to the choice of the applicant. However, where mooring rights of individuals are claimed to be invaded and protection is sought of the Harbor Master, the Harbor Master shall assign and indicate to the masters or owners of the vessels the location which they may occupy for said mooring, and the Harbor Master shall assign mooring privileges in all cases where individuals who own or have an interest in the shore rights are complainants and shall locate suitable mooring privileges temporarily or permanently, fronting their lands if so requested, but not so as to encroach upon the natural channel or channels established by this chapter. Moorings shall be set by July 30 of each year. (3) City Hall shall maintain a waiting list, with a registration fee established by the City Council, after a public hearing. (4) The Harbor Master, based upon the waiting list, shall authorize moorings on a first-come-first-served basis, except that commercial harbor users may be given priority for facilities developed for commercial users with federal funds. The Harbor Master will provide the updated lists to the City Clerk on May 1, July 1 and October 1 each year and at other times when requested. The lists shall be provided to any member of the public who requests them. If there is a dispute about mooring assignments, the Saco Coastal Waters Commission shall hear appeals from the decisions of the Harbor Master. (5) Any permit issued hereunder may be revoked if the Harbor Master determines that any portion of a permit holder's application contains false or misleading information. Any revocation may be appealed as set forth herein. [Added 2-3-2014] B. Application for mooring permits. (1) Applications for mooring permits for any one-year period must be filed with the City Clerk by March 15 of the current year, on forms prescribed by the Saco Coastal Waters Commission. Applications and payment for renewal of a mooring permit which have not been received within 60 days of the permit application filing date will cause that mooring location to be deemed vacant, and the mooring location reassigned. Applications received during the sixty-day period are subject to a late fee. (2) The City of Saco mooring permit application form contains additional rules and regulations regarding use and placement of moorings. The address of the applicant supplied with the permit application shall serve as the address of record for all purposes of notice where notice is required in this chapter. (3) Permits shall be good for one year (January 1 to December 31). They are at all times a revocable license issued subject to the terms herein, and under no circumstances will they be treated as, or deemed, a property right. [Amended 2-3-2014] (4) Any mooring location not occupied by the vessel or float registered to it, or a vesselof equal or lesser gross tonnage owned by the mooring permit holder, for at least one day in each of three out of the five months during the period May 1 through September 30 during the permit year may be considered to be abandoned. The location may be reassigned by the Harbor Master, after the Harbor Master has first given the registrant 30 days' advance written notice at his/her last known address (certified mail, return receipt). The cost of removing or dropping moorings shall be assessed to the owner if not removed by him within 30 days of receipt of said notice, in accordance with state law. Notwithstanding the above, this subsection will not apply to a mooring whose owner has notified the Harbor Master that such mooring will not be occupied due to prolonged absence from the area, illness, or other extenuating circumstances, provided the permit is timely renewed annually as required by this chapter. (5) The annual application fee for the waiting list shall be established by the City Council after a public hearing. (6) Moorings are not transferable except as provided by 38 M.R.S.A. § 3A. (7) A person may be denied a mooring permit if they are found to have previously violated this chapter without good cause; or if they are in arrears of any City tax or fee. C. Adequacy of moorings. All existing moorings hereinafter to be set shall be of sufficient size to hold the vessel for which they are used. All moorings shall have approved buoys and must be visible at all times. All mooring requirements will be determined by the Harbor Master. Guidelines on mooring block weight, attachment requirements and chain-link size are listed below and on the mooring permit application. (see ordinance for details) D. Inspections of moorings. The Harbor Master or his/her designee shall inspect moorings biannually. It is the permit holder's responsibility to contact the Harbor Master to arrange for inspections. Two visits by the Harbor Master are included in the mooring application fee; any additional visits required to complete an inspection shall be at the applicant's expense. E. Manner/condition of moorings: (1) All mooring floats shall meet United States Coast Guard regulations. (2) The float attached to the mooring line shall be of sufficient size to remain afloat when not attached to the vessel. (3) The Harbor Master may at any time examine any mooring or mooring line to determine compliance with this section. Except in the case of an emergency, he shall notify the owner of his or her intention to examine the mooring, either in writing or verbally, and request the presence of the owner during such examination. Any cost of examination shall be borne by the owner of the mooring. (4) If a party fails to properly maintain his/her/its mooring, float or cable, the Harbor Master will, in writing (by certified, return receipt mail), issue a seven-day notice-to-cure letter. If the offending party fails to correct the deficiency identified by the Harbor Master within seven days, the party's mooring permit shall thereafter be revoked upon the filing of a written decision from the Harbor Master to the City Clerk with copies provided to the offending party and the Coastal Waters Commission. (5) Vessels on moorings must be properly maintained to minimize hazards to other vessels, including: (a) The vessel must be capable of moving under its own mechanical means. (b) Sail, lines, and sheets must be secured at all times when the vessel is not occupied. (c) All accessories, anchors, lines, poles, etc., must be secured and within the gunwales of the vessel. (d) Nothing may be trailing behind a moored vessel or protruding from the vessel that can damage another vessel. (e) Failure to properly maintain a moored vessel may result in revocation of the mooring permit. (6) All moorings, whether now existing or hereinafter set, shall be so located or relocated that the vessels secured thereby will not impede navigation within City waters nor endanger other vessels moored therein. If the Harbor Master shall find that any vessel is so moored as to impede navigation or to endanger other vessels, he may require that the owner of the mooring or of the vessel secured thereby take such steps, whether by shortening the scope of the mooring lines or by the use of additional mooring or mooring lines, as will prevent such impeding of navigation or endangering of other vessels; or, in the alternative, he may order that the mooring be removed and relocated. In requiring the removal of a mooring because of its danger to other mooring last set shall be the first ordered to be removed. Any person so ordered by the Harbor Master acting under this subsection shall remove a vessel within 48 hours after order, whether written or verbal; provided, however, that if the mooring owner fails to do so, then the Harbor Master shall thereupon cause the mooring to be removed or relocated. Any expense incurred by the City to move or remove a mooring shall be borne by the owner of the mooring or vessel. [Amended 2-3-2014] (7) If in the sole opinion of the Harbor Master a mooring creates an emergency or imminently dangerous condition, or if immediate action is required to ensure proper navigation and safety, the Harbor Master may temporarily, without notice to the permit holder, take possession of the mooring and temporarily remove and/or secure it until such time as the permit holder can be notified. The parties shall thereafter determine together the appropriate terms and conditions for resetting and reinstalling the mooring. F. The Harbor Master shall hold all moorings and tackle removed from coastal waters as a lien against all fees, fines and costs incurred as a result of the acts, actions or inactions of any mooring permit holder. No such equipment shall be returned until all such charges are fully paid. G. Interference with moorings. Except by direction of the Harbor Master acting in an emergency or with permission of the owner, no person shall move or interfere with any mooring or vessel in the harbor. H. Removal. [Amended 2-3-2014] (1) A mooring shall be removed after September 30, unless it is still in use by its owner. If not removed by its owner, the Harbor Master shall see to its removal at the expense of the mooring owner. The mooring and ground tackle shall not be returned to its owner until such bill is paid. 2) All noncommercial vessels shall be removed from the river by November 1. I. Waiver procedures. (1) A mooring permit holder may request a temporary waiver to the mooring requirements stated in this chapter by submitting a written request to the Harbor Master. A waiver will not be granted for a violation that impacts safe navigation on the Saco River. The waiver request must clearly state: (a) Mooring number; (b) Name and current address and phone number of the permit holder; (c) The nature of the waiver (e.g., inability to position or remove an authorized mooring, inability to attach a boat to an authorized mooring, inability to pay for a mooring in a timely manner); (d) The reason the waiver is needed; and (e) Expected date for compliance (date the permit holder will make corrections or come into compliance with mooring requirements). (2) The Harbor Master will notify the permit holder of his decision to approve or disapprove the waiver in writing and provide a copy of the written decision to the City Clerk, the City Administrator and the Coastal Waters Commission. If the Harbor Master must disapprove the waiver request, the Harbor Master will send the decision via certified mail return receipt requested to the address of record. The permit holder can appeal the Harbor Master's decision to the Coastal Waters Commission. (3) Waivers for medical conditions may be granted for a maximum of one permit year. (4) Waivers for mechanical conditions may only be granted for moorings which have been in use during the permit year. [Added 2-3-2014] (5) Waivers and associated mooring privileges may be revoked if the Harbor Master determines that the waiver request misrepresented the facts and/or conditions that form the basis for the waiver request. [Amended 11-4-2014] J. Buoys other than for mooring vessels. No buoy of this type shall be placed in channels leading to wharves, nor shall such buoys be placed less than 150 feet from a mooring buoy for that vessel. The Harbor Master is empowered, in the interest of public safety, to require the removal of any buoys. K. Courtesy moorings provided by the City of Saco. The use of the courtesy moorings in the River shall be for no more than 48 hours, without the express permission from the Harbormaster. Any boats remaining on the moorings in violation of this section shall be subject to removal by the authority of the Harbormaster, with the costs being assessed against the owner. In addition, any violation of this section shall subject the boat owner to a fine of $100 per day or $2 a foot, whichever is the greater SCARBOROUGH Article V - Regulations Concerning Anchoring, Mooring and Security of Vessels Section 1a. Placement of Private Moorings. It shall be a violation of this Ordinance to place any mooring in the harbor without a permit from the Harbormaster issued in accordance with 38 M.R.S.A. Sections 3, 7-A and 8. Proof of boat registration and insurance, in the same name as the mooring applicant, must be shown prior to a mooring permit being issued. No more than two (2) moorings will be issued to the same household. No more than three (3) moorings will be issued to the same commercial entity. A person whose application for a mooring permit is denied may appeal as provided in Article XI of this Ordinance There shall be no appeal from the issuance of a permit. The sale of a recreational boat does not include the sale of the mooring locations. The mooring permit holder must notify the Harbormaster immediately upon the sale of their boat. Commercial moorings may be transferrable with the approval of the Harbormaster. Section 1b. Minimum Mooring Requirements. All mooring gear shall be inspected and/or serviced by a mooring service company, or by the owner with Harbor Master approval, at least once bi-annually to determine the condition of gear and to ensure compliance with minimum standards set forth by this ordinance. All mooring owners or mooring service companies shall notify the Harbormaster’s office in writing of all inspections and service completed to mooring gear. The Town of Scarborough recommends a 2.5 to 1 ratio for permanent moorings with the following minimum specifications: Mushroom, Granite Block, or Pyramid (of ample size/weight) Heavy Chain 1.5 times maximum water depth plus one foot Light chain or Nylon line (not floating line) 1.0 times maximum water depth Pennant 1.5 times the distance from chock to waterline Buoy (white poly ball preferred) Must have assigned number and blue band painted 3" (or larger) on buoy Total scope = Heavy chain + light chain and/or nylon line + Pennant Example: 25 ft. cruiser; 20 ft. maximum water depth; Distance from chock to waterline = 3 ft. Requires: 1.5 x 20 = 30 ft. of heavy chain plus one foot 1.0 x 20 = 20 ft. of light chain or equivalent nylon line 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 ft. pennant For the safety of his/her boat and that of adjacent boats, mooring permit holders are responsible for having their mooring set and making any required adjustments or repairs. Boats must have been moored by July 1 of the permitted year or the mooring permit shall be revoked subject to the Harbormaster’s discretion. The denied applicant may appeal the Harbormaster’s decision to the Coastal Waters and Harbor Committee. The Harbormaster may permit variations from these specifications, if in his or her judgment, the proposed mooring has holding power equivalent to that which would be provided by a mooring meeting these specifications. All moorings that are to be placed up river from the day marker in Scarborough must be built using granite block only and cannot be any higher than 24 inches in overall height. Marker Buoys to show at all tides. All chains to be at least one foot above high water mark. All moorings to be inspected every two years - no later than July 1st. The Harbormaster shall maintain a plot plan of the anchorage area indicating locations of moorings, size of boats, and areas to be used as waterways. A copy of this map will be kept on file at the Town Office. Subletting of Mooring Space: The owner of any vessel having mooring space shall not sublet said mooring or mooring space to another user or boat owner; however, another boat owner may use the mooring, provided the original owner pays the fee or fees and has requested permission from the Harbormaster to moor such vessel through a completed notice of intent form that can be found on the Town of Scarborough website, scarborougmaine.org. Section 1c. Creation and Maintenance of a Mooring Waitlist. Two mooring waitlists shall be maintained by the Town Clerk and available for inspection in the Town Clerk’s office. The first shall be for commercial applicants and the second for recreational applicants. Commercial applicants will be verified by the Harbormaster and shall provide proof of a commercial State license or a Federal permit. Commercial applicants will, if requested by the Harbormaster, provide proof of commercial waterfront activity equaling 20% of their annual household income. Applicants seeking a mooring shall be placed on the waitlist in order of date and time of application. No one household shall be allowed to hold more than two (2) spots on the waitlist at any one time. When a mooring becomes available the Town Clerk will first consult the commercial waitlist which will be given priority. If the next name on either waitlist is unable to accept the mooring they may request to stay on their respective waitlist until the next mooring becomes available. If, at the time of the second mooring becoming available, the applicant again is unable to accept the mooring their name shall be removed from the waitlist and the applicant would need to reapply if they wished to again be listed. If an applicant on the waitlist has died their spot may be reassigned to a legal heir providing the Town of Scarborough has been notified within six (6) months of the applicant’s death. THOMASTON 401.3.4 – Moorings: These regulations are promulgated to meet the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requirements for Federal Anchorages and Title 38, MRSA Section 2 as amended. A.All mooring space shall be under the exclusive control of the Harbor Master who shall assign moorings, maintain a written record of basic information as each mooring including assigned location, identifying number, vessel description, size, owner, and other datadeemed useful. He shall also maintain a chart of the relevant harbor, showing current mooring locations, assignments, land their numbers. B.Commercial moorings shall be located in space designated by the Harbor Master for said use. The Harbor Master may assign unused commercial mooring space to other vessels based upon standards set forth in this Ordinance. Such assignment will be subject to review by the Harbor Committee at its discretion and non-commercial users shall have no vested right to said mooring space. C.Mooring locations shall be assigned on the basis of one mooring location per vessel. Mooring space shall not be transferable. D.Moorings assigned to commercial entities shall be reassigned at such time as the Harbor Master makes finding that the justification for the original assignment is no longer present. E.No individual will be eligible for a second mooring or float until all other claims for a float or mooring have been satisfied. F.Any mooring or float assigned beyond the original assignment will be subject to annual review and will not be considered a vested interest of the assignee. G.Within space available, future requests for a mooring location shall be treated on a first come basis and with no distinction made to residency in accordance with the following priority guidelines. 1. Shore-front owners requesting an initial location adjacent to their property, where practicable. 2. Commercial vessel owners and marine operators. 3. Pleasure vessel owners. 4. Commercial vessel owners and marine operators requesting multiple locations. 5. All others. H.Applications for a boat mooring shall be submitted annually by March l, to the Harbor Master, who shall review the application with regard to space available for the type of boat so indicated. Upon approval, it is the responsibility of the applicant to submit the approved application to the Town Office together with all fees due. The applicant shall then present the application and proof of payment to the Harbor Master who shall assign a registration number and location for such mooring and advise the applicant of these rules and regulations. Mooring permits are not transferable. The Harbor Master shall submit to the Town and maintain the list of all paid applications. The Harbor Master shall, when assigning mooring locations, be guided by water depth and the mooring plan which is part of this ordinance. I.Any person or legal entity assigned the use of a mooring space is required to pay an annual mooring fee to the Town of Thomaston. The fees shall be established annually by the Harbor Committee. These fees are due and payable on or before April 1st of each year. Failure to remit these fees to the Town of Thomaston shall result in forfeiting the Harbor space assignment. Owners of moorings shall be liable for any and all fees due the Town of Thomaston resulting from usage of their mooring. J.All moorings shall be of sufficient size to hold the vessel for which they are used. Refer to Section 401.4 of this Ordinance. All moorings shall have been approved with the registration number assigned by the Harbor Master permanently affixed therein. Such numbers shall be at least three inches high and shall be clearly visible at all times. The Harbor Master may at any time examine any mooring or mooring line to determine compliance with this section. Except in case of emergency, he shall notify the owner of this intention to examine the mooring and request the presence of the owner during such examination. Moorings found to be inadequate with regards to the requirements of this section shall be corrected within 48 hours or removed. Any cost of examination or removal resulting therefrom shall be borne by the owner of the mooring. Vessels and/or mooring owners shall be liable for any damage caused by faulty, inadequate, or improperly placed moorings. Mooring and float tackle must be either pulled and inspected annually or visually inspected annually by an individual/qualified diver approved by the Harbor Committee. K.No person shall move or interfere with any mooring or vessel belonging to another person except by direction of the Harbor Master who will inform the owner. L.Courtesy moorings may be provided for the use of visiting vessels. Such vessels may use these moorings for a period of no longer than 48 hours, except under unusual circumstances with the express permission of the Harbor Master. M.Moorings that are unused by the vessel assigned to it, for more than five (5) months during the period April 1 to Oct.31, may be deemed vacated and the location reassigned by the Harbor Master. If a mooring location is re-assigned under this section the former assignee shall have no right to special consideration for assignment of another mooring. N.Vessels in violation of this ordinance may be moved by the Harbor Master, at the owner’s expense. O.All decisions made by the Harbor Master under this section may be appealed to the Harbor Committee on forms approved by the Harbor Committee. P.Allowable types of moorings are Private, Commercial Service and Commercial, Rental, described below: PRIVATE MOORING: A fixed and adequate means of securing a mooring licensee’s watercraft to a specified location upon Thomaston’s tidal waters. A private mooring is to be occupied by a specific watercraft and requires a mooring permit from the Harbor Master/Harbor Committee. COMMERCIAL SERVICE MOORING: A fixed and adequate means of temporarily securing watercraft to a specified location upon Thomaston’s tidal waters that are service customers of marine facilities such as boatyards, marinas, etc. The marine facility operator must obtain permits from both the Harbor Master/Harbor Committee and from ACOE. Multiple such moorings shall be used to moor a float, or floats in a linearly-linked array, used for servicing watercraft. COMMERCIAL RENTAL MOORINGS: A fixed and adequate means of securing watercraft to a specified location upon Thomaston’s tidal waters for which any type of fee is charged by the mooring licensee. The rental mooring operator must obtain permits from both the Harbor Master/Harbor Committee and from ACOE. Multiple such moorings shall be used to moor a float, or floats in a linearly-linked array, used for rental moorings. Q. Applications for a private vessel mooring permit must have a copy of proof of payment of the current year excise tax for the vessel which shall occupy the mooring. Maine residents must pay the excise tax in the municipality of the owner’s residence. Vessel owner’s non-resident in the state of Maine seeking a private mooring permit shall pay excise tax on their boat either in the state of their residence or in Thomaston. All vessels, whether documented or state registered, are liable for payment of excise tax in the State of Maine if proof of payment elsewhere is not provided. 401.3.5 – Floats A.It is recognized that “floats” in the harbor will allow for a greater density of boats in any given area, therefore, “floats” may be moored in Thomaston Harbor on a space available basis as assigned by the Harbor master. All year-round (more than 7 month) floats installed in Thomaston Harbor after April 15, 1976, must obtain permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Environmental Protection. B.All boat owners who have not renewed their float or mooring assignment with the Harbor Master by March 1st of each year shall be considered as having abandoned their assignment. Any owner must inform the Harbor Master if his float or mooring is being unused for 48 hours or more and allow the Harbor Master to assign temporary use. C.Additional mooring floats shall be permitted and allowed by the Harbor Committee as demand increases. The Harbor Committee shall give first refusal for assignment of float space to individuals whose moorings have been displaced by placement of a given float. Within space available, future requests for a moored float location shall be treated on a first come basis and with no distinction made to residency in accordance with the following priority guidelines: 1.Shore-front owners requesting an initial location adjacent to their property, where practicable. 2.Commercial vessel owners and marine operators. 3.Please vessel owners 4.Commercial vessel owners and marine operators requesting multiple locations. 5.All others. D.The floats shall be privately owned, built, and maintained. Floats shall be built to the standards listed in 401.4.2. Individuals who construct floats and are granted space shall have the right to use of the floats assigned space consistent with this ordinance. If these individuals change the size of their vessel they will go to a priority status and be re-assigned a space for their vessel when available. Float space other than those attached to a pier or wharf cannot be transferred in the event of ownership change, either of the vessel or the float. E.Two-point tackle is required for all mid-channel mooring floats, with the moorings size calculated based upon the length of the float plus 10’ when referred to table 401.4.4. For example, a 15’ float would require two 4000# granite sinkers. F.Uniform rental fees for moored floats shall be established annually January 1, by the Harbor Committee. G.Floats that are unused by the vessel assigned to it for more than five (5) months during the period April l to October 31, may be deemed vacated and be reassigned by the Harbor Committee. If a moored float is re-assigned under this section the former assignee shall have no right to special consideration for assignment of another mooring or float. H.All decisions made by the Harbor Master under this section may be appealed to the Harbor Committee on forms approved by the Harbor Committee.
This section outlines who is responsible and authorized for the enforcement of this ordinance and where the authority is derived from.
BIDDEFORD The Harbormaster is responsible for enforcement of the provisions of Division 4 of this chapter. a)On the first violation relating to any mooring, the Harbormaster shall issue a written warning to the owner of the mooring, if the name and address can be reasonably ascertained. b)For a second or subsequent violation of this division or for failure by the owner of a mooring to correct a violation within 15 days after being issued a warning to correct a violation of this division the owner shall be penalized by a minimum fine of $100 to a maximum fine of $2,500. Penalties shall be assessed through a process in district court. c)The Harbormaster may remove any mooring that is in any channel or that otherwise obstructs navigation, or that remains in violation of this division; provided, that a written notice of its removal shall first be sent to the owner by mailing such notice by regular mail to the last known name and address. Any such removal shall be at the expense of the owner, and the Harbormaster may collect all expenses in connection with such removal in district court. The Harbormaster shall have a lien on any mooring and related tackle that is removed under the provisions of this section in order to secure any claim for expenses. d)The Harbormaster may remove any vessel, float, mooring, lobster trap, or fishing gear at owner's expense if deemed a safety hazard. BRUNSWICK This chapter shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A § 1 et seq. and 30-A M.R.S.A. § 4452. Any person found in violation of this article shall, after notice and hearing, lose his or her mooring privileges and all rights to use the town launch facilities and wharfs. In addition, the town shall have available all other remedies provided by law. CAPE ELIZABETH Except as enumerated elsewhere in this Ordinance or as stated by the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable as follows: a)Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be punished upon conviction, by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) and not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars. All fines shall be paid to the Town of Cape Elizabeth. b)Each day that such violation continues to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Any law enforcement officer vested with the authority to carry a weapon and make arrests shall have the authority to enforce this Ordinance. CUMBERLAND A)The Harbormaster is to enforce the provisions of this chapter and of Title 38, Chapter 1, of the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, as amended. If the Harbormaster finds any provisions of this chapter or statute being violated, the Harbormaster must notify the person responsible for said violation, either verbally or in writing, indicating the nature of the violation or ordering the action necessary to correct it. The Harbormaster must maintain a written record of such notices. In the event the violation causes or threatens to cause property damage, then notification of the violation must be by the fastest means available. In this case, if contact with the mooring or boat owner or corrective action cannot be made within 24 hours after such notice, the Harbormaster is authorized to take whatever corrective action is necessary, the expense and risk for which will be borne by the boat owner. B)Violation of any provisions of this chapter is a civil violation. This chapter is enforceable by the Harbormaster or any law enforcement officer of the Town, County of Cumberland, or State of Maine with jurisdiction in the Town. This chapter will be enforced through a civil action in the District Court, and the Town may seek one or more of the following: injunctive relief, money damages not exceeding the sum of $200 for each violation along with attorney fees and costs pursuant to 30-A M.R.S.A. § 4452, as amended. Each day a violation exists constitutes a separate violation. C)The Harbormaster must terminate the mooring assignments of any person who violates this chapter two or more times within a permit year. D)A person may elect to pay a waiver fine of the minimum penalty specified in § 84-12L in lieu of appearing in court to answer the citation. Such payment must be received by the office of the Town Clerk no later than five business days prior to the assigned court date. Upon receipt of such payment by the Town Clerk, the Harbormaster shall cause the citation to be dismissed. HARPSWELL The Harbormaster shall have the authority and responsibility to enforce this Ordinance any rules and regulations adopted hereunder, and the provisions of Title 38, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1, as may be amended from time to time. All law enforcement officers of the State of Maine, including Harbormasters and their deputies, shall have the authority to enforce this Ordinance and rules and regulations adopted hereunder, and, in the exercise thereof, shall have the authority to stop and board any vessel found in violation of this Ordinance or rules and regulations adopted hereunder. It shall be unlawful for any operator of such vessel to fail to stop upon request of such officer and violation shall be punishable as provided in Title 38 M.R.S. § 282, as may be amended from time to time. KENNEBUNK A)Enforcement by the Harbor Master. It is the duty of the Harbor Master to enforce the provisions of this article. No person shall fail to observe any lawful order of the Harbor Master with reference to the navigation and disposition of vessels or moorings within Kennebunkport waters. If, after investigation, the Harbor Master finds that any provision of this article is being violated, he or she shall give written notice delivered by hand, if the owner agrees to sign a receipt for the notice, or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person responsible for such violation, and/or to the owner and/or to the operator of such vessel. The notice shall indicate the nature of the violation and order the action necessary to correct it, including discontinuance of illegal use of moorings, or work being done, removal of illegal moorings, fishing equipment and abatement of nuisance conditions. The notice shall demand that the violation be abated within some designated reasonable time. If, after such notice, the violation is not abated within the time specified, the Harbor Master shall take appropriate measures to enforce this article, including notifying the Selectmen of the need to institute appropriate action in the name of the Town of Kennebunkport to prevent, enjoin, restrain or abate any violation of this article. A copy of each such notice of violation shall be submitted to the Board of Selectmen and be maintained as a permanent record. B)Enforcement by law enforcement officers. In addition to the Harbor Master, any law enforcement officer vested with the authority to carry a weapon and make an arrest shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this article. C)Misdemeanor fines; separate violations. Any person who violates any provision of this article or a lawful order of the Harbor Master shall be subject to a fine. Each day that a violation continues, without action to effect abatement after receipt of notification by the Harbor Master, shall be considered a separate violation for purposes of this section. Pursuant to 38 M.R.S.A. § 13, intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly failing to obey any lawful order of the Harbor Master is a Class E crime. D)Legal action. The Harbor Master may impose fines as approved by the Board of Selectmen as may be appropriate to enforce any provision of this article. The Board of Selectmen, upon notice from the Harbor Master, is hereby authorized and directed to institute any and all action and proceedings, either legal and/or equitable, including seeking injunctions of violations and the collection of fees or fines as may be appropriate or necessary to enforce the provisions of this article in the name of the Town. In any such action in which the Town prevails, the Town shall be awarded reasonable attorneys' fees and the cost of suit in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled. OGUNQUIT The administration and enforcement of this chapter rests with the Harbormaster or, in his or her absence, a Deputy Harbormaster, who shall be annually appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Harbormaster and whose term of office shall be concurrent with that of the Harbormaster. All users of municipal floats, public boat ways, footbridges, and the waters within Perkins Cove shall be subject to and governed by the following controls and regulations: A)The Harbormaster shall have those powers and authorities as may generally be provided for in 38 M.R.S.A. §§ 2 through and including 7, as amended, and such rules and regulations as may be herein enacted by the Municipal Officers in accordance with the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A. § 7, as amended. B)Unless the individual appointed as Harbormaster shall also be trained and separately designated as a police officer by the municipality's Police Department, he or she shall not officially carry a weapon or have authority to make arrests. C)The Harbormaster shall have jurisdiction over all watercraft which may enter Perkins Cove. D)The Harbormaster shall direct, supervise and control the anchoring and mooring of all watercraft within Perkins Cove. E)The Harbormaster shall enforce those marine safety rules and regulations based upon the guidelines established by the U.S. Coast Guard, power squadrons and other federal, state or locally recognized authorities. F)The Harbormaster shall maintain a current mooring waiting list of all applicants for mooring privileges. ROCKLAND It shall be the duty of the Harbor Master or designees to enforce the provisions of this Chapter, by causing the person or persons offending any of the provisions of the ordinance, rules or regulations to be prosecuted for the penalty or penalties incurred. SCARBOROUGH This Ordinance may be enforced by the Harbormaster, Assistant Harbormaster or any law enforcement officer vested with the authority to carry a weapon and make arrests. Violations shall be prosecuted as provided in 38 M.R.S.A. §12 (which incorporates the enforcement mechanism of 30-A M.R.S.A. §4452) and, where applicable, 38 M.R.S.A. §13. WELLS The enforcement of this chapter shall be the duty of the Harbor Master whenever not otherwise provided. The Assistant Harbor Master shall have the powers and duties of the Harbor Master in the Harbor Master's absence. WEST BATH 1)Enforce the West Bath Waterways and Harbors Ordinance and exercise those powers granted by state law, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Title 38 Chapter 1 §§1 through 13. 2)Carry out responsibilities delegated by State and Federal requirements, including, but not limited to, the enforcement of the Operating Restrictions prescribed by Title 38 Chapter 1 §§ 281 through 285.
Except as provided in Title 38 M.R.S. § 13, as may be amended from time to time, a violation of this Ordinance or the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Ordinance shall be a civil violation and may be prosecuted and relief, fees, fines and penalties granted and assessed pursuant to the provisions of Title 30-A M.R.S. § 4452, as may be amended from time to time. For purposes of this Section, each day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
This section applies to the appeal process when a person is aggrieved by a decision made by the Harbor Master. Generally, most appeal processes begin with the local Harbor Committee, with options for furtherance, including but not limited to the Town Administrator/Town Manager, Board of Selectmen/Town Council and the Maine Superior Court.
BIDDEFORD A person who is aggrieved by a decision or action of the Harbormaster relating to this article may appeal to the Harbor Commission within 30 days of the date of such act or decision. BRUNSWICK Appeals: (a) Any person directly aggrieved by a decision, order, rule, or action by the harbor master may appeal said decision, order, rule or action to the rivers and coastal waters commission. (b) Such appeal shall be made in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of the decision, order, rule, or act from which the appeal is taken. It must state with specificity the decision, order, rule, or act from which the appeal is taken and the reason for the appeal. The commission at its next regular meeting, or pursuant to a specially called meeting, shall consider the appeal. The decision on appeal by the commission shall be written and state the reasons and basis for the decision. (c) Any decision, order, rule, or act by the harbor master concerning the location of moorings, as a result of which location there is an immediate danger to life or property, shall not be stayed pending the appeal. (d) Any party directly aggrieved by the decision of the commission may appeal within thirty (30) days to the superior court in accordance with the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure. CAPE ELIZABETH The Town Manager shall serve as the appeal authority for any person (s) aggrieved by any decision, act or failure to act by the Harbor Master. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Town Manager may seek review of such decision pursuant to Rule 80 of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, as may be amended. CUMBERLAND Appeals: a)Any persons aggrieved directly or indirectly by an action or failure to act of the Harbormaster may appeal such action or failure to act to the Coastal Waters Commission. In deciding any appeal, the Commission may hear and approve, with modifications or conditions, or disapprove the action or failure from which the appeal is made. b)Such appeals must be made in writing to the Coastal Waters Commission within five calendar days of the action or failure to act from which the appeal is taken. The application must state with specificity the action or failure to act from which the appeal is taken and the reason for the appeal. The appeal will be considered by the Coastal Waters Commission at its next regular meeting. c)Any action or failure to act by the Harbormaster concerning the location of moorings or boats, as a result of which location there is immediate danger to lives or property, will not be stayed pending appeal. d)An appeal may be taken by any party from any order, relief or denial by the Coastal Waters Commission under Subsection A above, within 30 days after the decision is rendered, to the Superior Court in accordance with Rule 80B of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure. DAMARISCOTTA Appeals: The Board of Selectmen of the Town having jurisdiction shall hear an appeal by any aggrieved person affected directly or indirectly by a decision order, rule, ac or failure to act by the Harbor Master or his or her deputies. An appeal shall be submitted to the Town Clerk on a form provided by the Board of Selectmen of the Town having jurisdiction, and shall describe the complaint and the relief sought. The original appeal form shall be kept on file at the Town office of the Town having jurisdiction. A copy shall be forwarded to the chairman of the Board of Selectmen in that Town. The Board of Selectmen of the Town having jurisdiction shall act on any appeal within forty-five (45) days of its receipt by the Town. An extension of the forty-five (45) day requirement may be mutually agreed in writing between the applicant and the Town. The Board of Selectmen shall set a hearing date taking into consideration the schedules of the applicant and Board of Selectmen members. Notice of the hearing shall be posted at the Town Office not less than seven (7) days prior to the hearing. In its decision, the Board of Selectmen shall grant or deny relief from any order, rule, act or failure to act by the Harbor Master of his or her deputies, except that in no instance shall the its decision violate State or Federal regulations, or this Ordinance. Any failure by the Board of Selectmen to issue a written decision within the time limits above shall constitute denial. At the hearing, the Board of Selectmen shall hear any oral or documentary evidence that is relevant and material. Appellants, defendants or their agents shall have the right to present oral and documentary evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence, and to conduct reasonable cross-examinations. The minutes of the hearing, together with all the documentary evidence presented I the proceeding, shall constitute the official record of the appeal. The record shall include a written statement of the Board of Selectmen’s findings and conclusions and its decision, and shall be filed at the Town Office. Notice of the decision shall be mailed or hand delivered to the appellants and defendants or their agents within seven (7) days of a decision, and copied to the Harbor Master. Any failure by the Board of Selectmen to issue a written notice or decision within the time limits above shall constitute a denial. An appeal to Superior Court may be made within thirty (30) days from any act or decision of the Board of Selectmen. FREEPORT Appeals: 1.The Freeport Coastal Waters Commission exists for the general purpose of studying and evaluating public usage of and access to coastal waters, to advise the Town Council on proposed regulations concerning the Town's coastal waters, supervise the enforcement of these rules and regulations through the Harbormaster, oversee the maintenance and care of Town owned waterfront facilities through the Harbormaster, and in conjunction with State and Federal authorities. The Coastal Waters Commission sits as a board of appeals to hear an appeal from any person aggrieved by any decision, act or failure to act of the Harbormaster. The Commission shall regularly inform the Town Council, Planning Board, and such other boards, committees, commissions, or officials of the Town of its activities, as is appropriate. 2.Any and all persons aggrieved directly or indirectly by a decision, order, rule, act or failure to act of the Harbormaster may appeal said decision, order, rule, act or failure to act to the Coastal Waters Commission. In deciding any appeal, the Commission shall hear and approve, approve with modifications or conditions or disapprove the decision, order, rule, act or failure to act from which the appeal is made in accordance with the provisions of Section 604 of the Freeport Administrative Code. 3.Such appeals shall be made in writing to the Coastal Waters Commission within five calendar days of the decision, order, rule, act or failure to act from which the appeal is taken. It must state with specificity the decision, order, rule, act or failure to act from which the appeal is taken and the reason for the appeal. The appeal shall be considered by the Coastal Waters Commission at its next regular meeting. 4.Any decision, order, rule, act or failure to act by the Harbormaster concerning the location of moorings or boats, as a result of which location there is immediate danger to lives or property shall not be stayed pending appeal. 5.An appeal may be taken by any party from a decision of the Coastal Waters Commission, within thirty days after the decision is rendered, to the Superior Court in accordance with the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure. GEORGETOWN Appeal Rights: The Town of Georgetown Board of Appeals shall hear and decide appeals alleging error by the Harbor Master or Deputy in issuing orders or fines under this Ordinance. The aggrieved person must make a written appeal within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision being appealed, and the Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing within thirty-five (35) days from the date of receipt of the appeal. A party aggrieved by the decision of the Board may appeal to Superior Court within thirty (30) days from the date of the Board of Appeals decision pursuant to Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80B. HARPSWELL Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Harbormaster may appeal the decision to the Committee within thirty (30) days of the Harbormaster’s decision. Decisions of the Committee, when acting as a Board of Appeals, may be appealed to the Board of Selectmen within thirty (30) days of the Committee’s decision. Decisions of the Board of Selectmen may be appealed to Superior Court within thirty (30) days of the Board of Selectmen’s written decision. KENNEBUNK The Board of Selectmen shall hear and decide appeals alleging error by the Harbor Master in the administration of this article. The aggrieved person must make a written appeal within 30 days of the date of the decision being appealed, and the Board of Selectmen shall hold a public hearing within 30 days from the date of receipt of the appeal. The Board may establish additional rules and procedures for such hearings. A party aggrieved by the decision of the Board may appeal it to Superior Court within 30 days from the date of the original decision pursuant to Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80B. ONGUNQUIT Appeals: Unless otherwise dictated by Municipal Charter or ordinance, for the purpose of this chapter, the Municipal Officers shall serve as an appeals board. A. The Municipal Officers shall hear appeals by any person or persons aggrieved by any decision, act or failure to act of or by the Harbormaster or his or her assistant. B. Any appeal must be submitted, in writing, to the Municipal Officers within 30 days from the date of the decision, act or failure to act which is subject to an appeal. C. The Municipal Officers shall hear the appeal within 30 days of the filing of the appeal. The thirty-day period may be only extended an additional 30 days by the appellant. D. The Municipal Officers shall render a written decision within five days following the completion of all hearings incidental to an appeal. Such decision shall be mailed to the appellant via certified, first-class U.S. Mail. SACO Appeals: Any appeal of a decision of the Harbor Master, except as to citations, herein shall be made to the Coastal Waters Commission as set out in § 4-39 of this Code, or its successor. Citations shall be solely addressed and resolved via the Court and as set out under Maine law. SCARBOROUGH Appeals: Any action or decision of the Harbormaster as to which this ordinance expressly provides a right of appeals may be appealed to the Town Manager pursuant to this Article XI. No other action, non-action, decision or determination of the Harbormaster is appealable under this Ordinance. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the Town Manager no later than thirty (30) days after the action or decision appealed from. Upon receipt of a written appeal, the Town Manger shall promptly schedule an appeal hearing, giving notice to the applicant and to the Harbormaster of the date, time and place of the hearing. The appellant and the Harbormaster each shall have an opportunity to be heard and to present written and oral evidence. After the hearing the Town Manager shall promptly issue a written decision. There is no appeal under this ordinance from the decision of the Town Manager. WELLS * Appeal Procedure: A) In all cases, a person aggrieved by a decision of the Harbor Master as it relates to the implementation of this chapter must file an appeal to the Board of Selectmen within 31 days after the issuance of the decision from the Harbor Master. The appeal shall be filed with the Town Manager. A filing fee as established by the Board of Selectmen shall accompany any appeal. The Town shall also be reimbursed for the costs of notification and advertisements concerning an appeal. B)Before taking action on any appeal, the Board of Selectmen shall schedule a public hearing within 31 days of the filing of an appeal. Notice of the public hearing shall be made by the Board of Selectmen to the appellant by certified mail, and notification shall include the nature of the appeal and the time and place of the public hearing. Notice of all appeals shall be mailed, published in a newspaper of general circulation, and posted in at least three public places within the Town at least 10 days before the specified date of such hearing. C)The Harbor Master, or the Assistant Harbor Master, shall attend all hearings, and shall present to the Board of Selectmen all plans, photographs or other material deemed appropriate for an understanding of the appeal and upon which they relied in making the decision appealed from. The appellant's case shall be heard first. The aggrieved party may appear by agent or attorney. To maintain orderly procedure, each side shall proceed without interruption. Questions may be asked through the Chairperson. All persons at the hearing shall abide by the order of the Chairperson. Hearings may be continued to other times. D)Written notice of the decision of the Board of Selectmen shall contain a statement of findings and conclusions, as well as reasons or basis therefor, and shall be sent to the appellant, the Harbor Master and the Town Manager within seven business days of the decision. Written notices of decision shall be mailed to the appellant via certified mail. The concurring vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Selectmen present and voting shall be required to reverse an order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Harbor Master. The appellant shall have the burden of proof. The standard of review to be applied by the Board of Selectmen is appellate, not de novo, review, and the Board of Selectmen may modify or reverse a decision of the Harbor Master only if it finds that the decision was contrary to specific provisions of law, this Code, or the facts presented to the Harbor Master. If the Board of Selectmen modifies or reverses a decision of the Harbor Master, the Board of Selectmen shall remand with instructions for such further action as may be necessary. E)If the Board of Selectmen shall deny an appeal, a second appeal of a similar nature shall not be brought before the Board of Selectmen within one year from the date of denial of the first appeal by the Board, unless in the opinion of a majority of the Board substantial new evidence shall be brought forward or unless the Board finds that an error, mistake or misunderstanding of facts has occurred. F)Any decision of the Board of Selectmen may be appealed to Superior Court within 45 days after the decision is rendered according to the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80B. YORK * Appeal Process: A.Right of Appeal: The Harbor Board shall hear the appeal of any person aggrieved by any decision, act, or failure to act of the Harbor Master as it relates to the implementation of this Ordinance. B.Power and Duties: Appeals shall go forward from the decision of the Harbor Master to the Harbor Board, from the Harbor Board to the Superior Court in accordance with Maine Law. The Harbor Board shall have the following powers and duties: To hear and decide where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made, or not made, by the Harbor Master in the enforcement of this Ordinance. The Board may affirm, modify or deny the action of the Harbor Master, or may remand the matter to the Harbor Master for further proceedings in accordance with the terms of these Rules and Regulations, by majority vote of those present and voting. In case of a clear conflict of interest a voting member shall withdraw from the case and the Chairman shall designate an alternate member to be a voting member for the hearing. C.Appeal Procedure In all cases, a person aggrieved by a decision of the Harbor Master shall file their appeal within thirty (30) days after receipt of a written decision from the Harbor Master. The appeal shall be filed with the Harbor Board on forms to be approved by the Harbor Board, and the aggrieved person shall specifically set forth on said form the grounds for said appeal. Following the filing of an appeal, the Harbor Board shall notify forthwith the Harbor Master and the Town Manager. The appeal shall then be in order for a public hearing within thirty (30) days of the filing date. D.The Harbor Board shall hold a public hearing prior to making a decision on an appeal, notice of which shall be made by the Harbor Board, by certified mail to the appellant. Notification shall include the nature of the appeal, and the time and place of the public hearing. Notice of all appeals shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation and posted in at least three (3) public places within the Town. All notifications must precede the public hearing by at least seven (7) business days. E.The Harbor Master, or their designated deputy, shall attend all hearings, and shall present to the Harbor Board all plans, photographs or other material deemed appropriate for an understanding of the appeal. The appellant’s case shall be heard first. The aggrieved party may appear by agent or attorney. To maintain orderly procedure, each side shall proceed without interruption. Questions may be asked through the Chair. All persons at the hearing shall abide by the order of the Chairman. Hearings may be continued to other times. F.Written notices of the decision of the Harbor Board shall be sent to the appellant, the Harbor Master, the Town Manager and the Municipal Officers within thirty (30) days of the date of the hearing of the appeal, and within seven (7) business days of the decision. Decisions shall be in writing, and shall contain a statement of findings and conclusions, as well as the reasons or basis therefore. Decisions shall be sent to the appellant via Certified Mail. G.Appeals granted under the provision of this Section by the Harbor Board shall expire if the work or change involved is not affected within one year of the date on which such appeal is granted, unless as otherwise provided for in the appeal. H.If the Harbor Board shall deny an appeal, another appeal of a similar nature shall not be brought before the Board within one year from the date of the denial, unless in the opinion of a majority of the Board, substantial new evidence shall be brought forward or unless the Board finds, in its sole and exclusive judgment, that an error or mistake of law or misunderstanding of facts shall have been made. I.The appellant shall pay a fee to the Town of York to cover the costs of notification and advertisements concerning an appeal.